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I added two new important references on global analytic geometry, also due to Poineau. He shows there that the sheaf of analytic functions is coherent. This is an interesting fundamental result.
Just so that people have the link: it’s global analytic geometry.
I have been touching some entries that Frederic Paugam has been writing these days:
global+analytic+index+theory, overconvergent+global+analytic+geometry
So far I just touched the formatting and the cross-linking a little.
Can you see how these entries may be made to fit with your cohesive approach to geometry?
I am looking into it. Just talked with Frederic about it. I don’t know yet if there is cohesion.
But Frederic explained to me that to make the complex-analytic universal Chern-Simons line 3-bundle (or any other) globally analytic, what one has to do is precisely to define its complex-analytic cocycle relative to a cover of strict polydiscs, of radius 1 and no other radius, as here.
That is the key application that I would want global analytic cohesion for.
I’ll look into this when I have a moment of leisure (this might take a bit).
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