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A graduate student at Johns Hopkins who is being supervised by Jack Morava, named Jon(athan) Beardsley, wrote a short article Bousfield Lattice. More on this in a moment.
Thanks for the notification! I moved it to Bousfield lattice (but the cache bug is operative).
Cache copy removed.
I have added tables of content and further hyperlinks. Notice that an entry well-generated triangular category should be linked to, is linked to now… but does not exist yet ;-)
Also added a pointer to the entry from triangulated category, such as to increase the chance that potential readers can find the entry. (Generally, when you create an entry, try to think of at least one existing entry that should point to it.)
Yeah, I thought I had linked to this from somewhere, just can’t remember where. I can try to write that w.g. triangulated cat. entry at some point. Neeman defines it using a number of definitions that will also have to be written.
Hi Jon,
you can see which entries link to a given entry at the very bottom of the web page. There it says “Linked from:” and then comes a list of backlinks. Currently there is one item, triangulated category, where I had added a backlink in the section “Related concepts”.
(Well, this works mostly at least. It does not work if another entry points to a keyword that only redirects to the given entry).
No rush with the entry on well-generated triangulated categories. My main point was that it’s good practice to add a link to such technical terms, even if the corresponding entries don’t exist yet.
As you have probably noticed, the coverage of triangulated category theory on the nLab is still very much in its infancy. It’s great that you are adding to it!
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