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I can’t tell where the link to “compactly generated” should go because I don’t know what it’s referring to. Compactly generated what? (Pages on the nLab are generally named with nouns, not adjectives.)
I made the link “small” point to compact object, which contains a section on this notion of smallness in additive categories. The page small object is basically a glorified redirect to compact object; I’m not sure why it needs to exist separately. Are there other pages about compact/small objects that you found confusing?
No need to apologize; it takes some practice to learn the conventions of a community (have you read the naming conventions section of the HowTo?). What do you mean by a compactly generated category? I’m not familiar with that term either.
Oh – did you mean to link to “compactly generated triangulated category”? The quote “the appropriate generalization of compactly generated for triangulated categories” at well-generated triangulated category sounded to me as though it was describing them as a generalization to triangulated categories of a notion of “compactly generated category” that applied to non- triangulated categories. But looking at the references, it does seem that Krause in that quote was referring to compactly generated triangulated categories, even though in that case I can’t make any sense of the definite article in “the appropriate generalization” (or, for that matter, the referent of “appropriate” – appropriate for what?).
Does “compactly generated” here mean “locally presentable”, i.e., does ’compact’ mean κ-compact for some regular infinite cardinal κ, and ’generated’ in the sense of every object being a κ-filtered colimit of κ-compact objects?
I’ll let the question in #8 stand, even though it reflects that I had not been following the thread carefully starting from #1. In any case, it would be nice to see the relation to local presentability clarified.
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