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Created schedule as I’m reading Globalizing fibrations by schedules (lspace) by Dyer and Eilenberg. Not sure yet what should link into it. Also not finished the page, but going goggle-eyed so taking a rest for now.
Not sure yet what should link into it.
It is a topic in the general context of topology, so if in doubt one could always link to it from the long list of related entries kept there.
More useful is to link to a page from other pages that directly concern the definition and theorems of the present page. Here the definitions and theorems concern open covers in relation to Moore path spaces. So these two entries should link back to schedule. And I made that happen now.
I have also added a bunch of more hyperlinks to your text, and added various redirects such as to make all the existing hyperlinks be functional. (Notice that “locally finite” has no good chance to point anywhere, but locally finite cover does :-)
The only item that I am not sure what to do with is the requested link to “local covering”. (?)
local covering was copied from the paper. I’ll add the definition later.
ooh, that looks relevant… ;-)
A poll of random topologists reveals none that knows what a local covering is so I’ve added it explicitly rather than creating a new page. Also written a bit more from the paper now.
David: Yes, I thought you might think that! I actually came across it in a completely different context, but it did occur to me that there might be some ideas we could exploit.
What is a ’random topologist’? Is it a mathematician who studies ’random topological spaces’? That would be a great idea, based on Chu spaces that were not ’dyadic’ but took values in a probability space. (I am serious here… for once. :-))
I meant that I went down the topology corridor here and asked whoever I encountered. Some might argue that that’s not a random sample so I felt I couldn’t say a “random poll of topologists” (actually, I probably could say that). But most topologists are pretty random people in the colloquial meaning (probably comes of being able to think ones way out of a klein bottle) so I went for “poll of random topologists” instead.
What is a ’random topologist’? Is it a mathematician who studies ’random topological spaces’?
I know a chaotic category theorist who knows everything, really everything, about chaotic categories.
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