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For some nLab work that I will do in the next days, I want to be able, for convenience, to refer the reader to an entry which exhibits the iterated lifting-property-calculus that is nicely discussed in the appendix of the article by Joyal-Tierney on complete Segal spaces:
For the moment I titled that entry Joyal-Tierney calculus. Not sure, though, if that is a good name. Suggestions would be welcome.
Looking at Joyal-Tierney calculus in the section on pushout tensoring reminds me that the rendering of over-bars is often less than optimal. Generally the bars tend to come out too small. Using overline instead helps with that, but here is yet another problem: in inline maths (as opposed to displayed maths) both \bar and \overline over an \otimes are rendered next to the \otimes, as opposed to above it.
On that particular page we should just decide on a different decoration altogether. But generally the rendering behaviour here deserves to be fixed.
For readability, I have replaced the symbol “⋔” (\pitchfork
) for “lifting property” by “⧄” (⧄
(Following discussion in another thread here.)
[ edit: this page is in need of some further improvement of its notation: that bar-notation is no good for the present purpose. We should use notation as in this example. ]
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