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I have created a stub HNN-extension. I have been wondering how to link in the connection between homotopy colimits and graphs of groups (see Fiore, Luck and Sauer), any ideas? Perhpas it will have to wait until there is a graphs of groups and a complexes of groups entry
Regarding the edit from #2:
I have made some substantial edits to the new section “As a 2-colimit” (here) in order to bring out more carefully (maybe: pedantically, but this is important) the fact that the delooping groupoid-construction
B(−):Grps→Grpdsis not fully-faithful (only regarded as landing in pointed objects among groupoids does it become a full embedding).
Of course this is essentially the point that makes the intended construction in this section work in the first place, but it still important to make the notational distinction.
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