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I have started a new entry on complexes of groups, the higher dimensional version of graphs of groups (in the bass-Serre theory). These are related to orbifolds and topological stacks, but as yet there is just a stub. I have put some stuff in the Menagerie so will transfer more across in a short while (I hope!).
I have added the plural redirect, so as to make your link work.
I don’t understand the following sentence in the entry
It does not refer to the idea of chain complexes of groups, i.e., chain complexes in the usual sense, except that the groups involved are not assumed to be abelian.
Is the “except” maybe meant to be an “in particular”?
Thanks. I have altered the wording at that point as it was ugly and confusing. Have a look to see if it clearer now.
Yes, thanks!
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