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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorStephan A Spahn
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2012
    • (edited May 15th 2012)

    I added the characterization of a divisible abelian group as an injective object in the category of abelian groups to divisible group.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2012

    There is some basic result on this which Hyman Bass proved as an (undergrad I think) student, I vaguely recall, usually quoted in homological algebra textbooks. Is this very fact or something else ?

  1. The statement that an abelian group is divisible iff it is an injective object I found in Proposition 3.19 in Lam, Tsit-Yuen (1999), Lectures on modules and rings, Graduate Texts in Mathematics No. 189, Berlin, New York. I added this reference.

    Do you remember what the statement of Hyman Bass was?

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2012
    • (edited May 18th 2012)

    After I reminded myself through the references, I see the statement is rather different and not about the divisible groups but more general results on injective modules.

    Every infinite direct sum of injective right RR-modules is injective if and only if the ring RR is right Noetherian.

    cf. Lam (1999) 3.46 wikipedia injective module and Theorem 0.1 in

    • Carl Faith, Elbert A. Walker, Direct sum representations of injective modules, J. Algebra 5:2, 203–221 (1967) pdf

    The statement is often referred to as Bass’ lemma when in that direction, and sometimes the iff statement as Bass-Papp theorem. One direction is due Cartan-Eilenberg (right Noetherianess implies the other side) while the converse is due Hyman Bass from his student days, and, independently, due

    • Z. Papp, On algebraically closed modules, Publ. Math. Debrecen 6 (1959) 311–327

    Unfortunately online access to this journal I can find only from vol. 39 (here) till current vol. 80.