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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorYaron
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2012
    • (edited May 19th 2012)

    I got stuck on something that should probably be obvious in Section VII.6 in CWM (the bar construction).

    If AA is an AbAb-category and L,ε:LI A,ν:LL 2\langle L,\varepsilon\colon L\Rightarrow I_A, \nu\colon L\Rightarrow L^2\rangle is a comonad in AA (that is, a comonoid in the strict monoidal category A AA^A), then because the opposite (augmented) simplicial category Δ op\Delta^{\mathrm{op}} has the universal comonoid, there is a unique strict monoidal functor Δ opA A\Delta^{\mathrm{op}}\to A^A with 1L1\mapsto L, (δ 0 0) opε(\delta_{0}^{0})^{\mathrm{op}}\mapsto \varepsilon and (σ 0 1) opν(\sigma_0^1)^{\mathrm{op}}\mapsto \nu (using the indexing convention of CWM for face maps δ ? ?\delta_{?}^{?} and degeneracy maps σ ? ?\sigma_{?}^{?} in Δ\Delta). Composing with the “evaluate at aa” functor E a:A AAE_a\colon A^A\to A, we get an augmented simplical object Y a:Δ opAY_a\colon\Delta^{\mathrm{op}}\to A with Y a(n)=L n(a)Y_a(n)=L^n(a).

    As usual, this defines a chain complex

    (Y a(0)=a)(Y a(1)=La)(Y a(2)=L 2a) (Y_a(0)=a)\leftarrow (Y_a(1)=La)\leftarrow (Y_a(2)=L^2a)\leftarrow\cdots

    in AA (where the boundary morphisms are the appropriate sums of face maps with alternating sums).

    Now, at the bottom of p. 181 (second edition), it is written the this complex is a resolution. Why is this true in this general setting?

    [For the special case of the bar resolution appearing in any homology book (that is, when A=ΠA={\Pi}-Mod\mathbf{Mod} for some group Π{\Pi}, L=(Π)L=\mathbb{Z}({\Pi})\otimes-, a=a=\mathbb{Z}, etc.), an explicit contracting homotopy is specified (by elements). The problem is that I don’t understand how to deal with the general case.]

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorFinnLawler
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2012

    This nCafé post by Todd might help you.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorYaron
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2012

    Thank you very much, Finn. I will surely look into this (although from a first glance it seems a little above my current knowledge). Is there some simple straightforward explanation (something like: “just take … as the contracting homotopy”)?

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorFinnLawler
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2012

    I don’t really know complexes, but for simplicial objects the idea is that if you have a monad TT on a category CC, then the bar construction turns each TT-algebra into a simplicial TT-algebra, using the comonad F TU TF^T U^T on C TC^T arising from TT. If you apply U TU^T to this simplicial algebra you get a simplicial object of CC, and it turns out that the unit of TT supplies a contracting homotopy for this. (Compare the example at split coequalizer.)

    Mac Lane says that the complex L *aL^* a is a resolution, even though the associated simplicial object of AA won’t be contractible in general. Maybe it’s exact for some other reason, but you’ll have to ask someone who knows more homological algebra than I do (i.e. pretty much anyone).

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorYaron
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2012

    Finn, thanks! I will try to work out the details of your explanation - this now looks as a manageable task.

    pretty much anyone

    …certainly not me :)