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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2012
    • (edited May 19th 2012)

    Here is a kind of summary of the little fact that Mike and I have been discussing in another thread here. I tought this is nice and we should discuss this a bit more, it feels like there might be some nice implications here, at least conceptually. So I am probably going to post this to the nnCafé in a little while. For them moment, I post a preliminary version here.

    [edit: I have now posted this to the nnCafé here]

    Here is a charming statement:

    Do you see it? Once you know what these terms mean this is pretty obvious, once stated. But it seems not to have been stated before.

    I now briefly spell this out and give further pointers. This might be the beginning of a nice story. I am posting this here in the hope of discussing it a bit more.

    Consider some ambient (∞,1)-topos and inside it an internal (∞,1)-category, hence a complete Segal space object X X_\bullet. Its 1-skeleton, on which I will focus attention here, looks as follows (in this and the following formulas I display on the left the syntax and on the right its semantics, see HoTT methods for homotopy theorists if you are a homotopy theorist and need more background):

    the object of morphisms X 1X_1 sits by the source-and-target map (d 0,d 1)(d_0,d_1) over the object of objects X 0X_0

    [x,y:X 0X 1(x,y):Type][X 1 (d 0,d 1) X 0×X 0] [x,y : X_0 \vdash X_1(x,y) : Type] \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \left[ \array{ X_1 \\ \downarrow^{\mathrlap{(d_0, d_1)}} \\ X_0 \times X_0 } \;\;\;\;\; \right]

    and the identity-assigning map s 0s_0 is a diagonal section

    [x:X 0s 0(x):X 1(x,x)][X 0 s 0 X 1 Δ (d 0,d 1) X 0×X 0]. [ x : X_0 \vdash s_0(x) : X_1(x,x)] \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \left[ \array{ X_0 &&\stackrel{s_0}{\to}&& X_1 \\ & {}_{\mathllap{\Delta}}\searrow && \swarrow_{\mathrlap{(d_0,d_1)}} \\ && X_0 \times X_0 } \right] \,.

    Syntactically, the recursion principle / simple elimination rule for the inductive identity types, and semantically the (acyclic cofibrations \perp fibrations)-weak factorization system, says that this section factors through the identity type [x,y:X 0(x=y):Type][x,y : X_0 \vdash (x = y) : Type] (syntactically) respectively the path space object X 0 IX 0×X 0X_0^I \to X_0 \times X_0 (semantically):

    [x,y:X 0s^ 0(x,y):(x=y)X 1(x,y)][X 0 s 0 X 1 s^ 0 X 0 I X 0×X 0]. [ x,y : X_0 \vdash \hat s_0(x,y) : (x = y) \to X_1(x,y)] \;\;\;\;\;\;\; \left[ \array{ X_0 &\stackrel{s_0}{\to}& X_1 \\ \downarrow &\nearrow_{\mathrlap{\hat s_0}}& \downarrow \\ X_0^I &\to& X_0 \times X_0 } \right] \,.

    Now, Segal-completeness of X X_\bullet is the statement that this s^ 0\hat s_0 exhibits the inclusion of the core, hence of those morphisms fX 1f \in X_1 that are equivalences under the composition operation of X X_\bullet.

    Specifically, consider the case that X X_\bullet is the universal small internal category object, equivalently the small reflection of the ambient (,1)(\infty,1)-topos into itself, equivalently the classfier of the small codomain fibration, equivalently its stack semantics, or whatever you want to call it, that whose 1-skeleton is

    [A,B:TypeAB:Type] d 0 s 0 d 1 Type, \array{ [A,B : Type \vdash A \to B : Type] \\ {}^{\mathllap{d_0}}\downarrow \uparrow^{\mathrlap{s_0}} \downarrow^{\mathrlap{d_1}} \\ Type } \,,

    where “TypeType” denotes the small universe / small object classifier.

    Then the Segal-completeness condition of this internal category object is the univalence condition on Type˜Type\widetilde Type \to Type.