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  1. I took some notes during my reading of (Chapters I-III of)

    • Michel Demazure, lectures on p-divisible groups web

    In the recent days I inserted parts of these notes in different nlab entries. Maybe it is of use to somebody to have all of these notes in wiki-form. So I created lectures on p-divisible groups containing the skeleton of the contents. I will fill in the parts I have written so far (roughly chapters I and II) tomorrow. Of course anyone should feel free to rewrite or complete the related entries. Currently the page names contain the chapter-numbering from the original text - I think this numbering can be discarded at the time the linked page contains more information than the original text. If there is some nlab policy on wiki-ed texts suggesting otherwise, please let me know.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2012
    • (edited May 25th 2012)

    It is very nice what you are doing.

    The naming of the pages is however a tiny bit confusing for those not entirely aware what you are doing: neither the title nor the text of these each of the entries points visibly to the source book title or the author. If we continue calling chapters of various books this way (number + chapter title only) in the global naming of nnLab entries, then we are likely eventually to have problem also with uniqueness: there will be many nnLab entries called I.1 Introduction and alike, so maybe one should better prefix the names of all your Demazure entries with, say, “Demazure” (book title not needed in the title, as there are likely not many math books by many Demazures). This, unfortunately, makes it yet a bit longer, but quite many of the chapter titles involved are already long anyway.

    What the lab elves suggest ?

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2012

    I think prefixing the page names is a good idea. If the individual pages end up being linked to from elsewhere in the nLab, it might be good for each of them to start with a hatnote like “this page is notes taken on one section of the book lectures on p-divisible groups”.

  2. True. But I think adding the book title is not such a bad idea: To have global names in most cases means to add the the path of the filed resource to the name. I will also add the link to the original text to each individual page.

    In cases where the name scheme [author(s)], [title], [chapter] became be too long (whatever one thinks is ”too long”) there are apparently canonical naming schemes as used in bib tex. But in this case I guess this would be overkill.