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started Brauer group, collecting some references on the statement that/when Br(X)≃H2et(X,𝔾m)tor and moved notes from a talk by David Gepner on ∞-Brauer groups to there.
I added the insightful references of Street at Azumaya algebra and at Brauer group:
Thanks. I have changed “Brower group” to “Brauer group”, okay?
So I have added a remark in a new section Relation to categories of modules.
Thanks for Brauer, Urs.
added to Brauer group references on Brauer groups for superalgebras.
added Duskin’s historical paper
have added to Brauer group a paragraph (here) on its “bigger” version (thanks toDavid C. for the pointer to Heinloth’s article)
It is therefore natural to regard all of H2et(R,𝔾m) as the “actual” Brauer group. This has been called the “bigger Brauer group” (Taylor 82, Caenepeel-Grandjean 98, Heinloth-Schöer 08). the bigger Brauer group has actually traditionally been implicit already in the term “formal Brauer group”, which is really the formal geometry-version of the bigger Brauer group.
Have added at the references at Brauer group:
The observation that passing to derived algebraic geometry makes also the non-torsion elements in H2et(−,𝔾m) be represented by (derived) Azumaya algebras is due to
- {#Toen10} Bertrand Toën, Derived Azumaya algebras and generators for twisted derived categories (arXiv:1002.2599)
Added the reference:
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