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created Theta category (made disk category a redirect).
In the "Idea" section I had the idea that the quickest way to define is as the full subcategory of strict n-catgeories on n-computads. Is that right? If not, something along these lines must be right.
No, not computads, there would be far too many of those. Computads contain cells whose source and target are arbitrary composites, rather than single cells. It should be the full subcategory of strict n-categories on some objects, which are free in some sense -- free on a finite tree, probably. Have you looked at the paper "the universal property of the multitude of trees"?
I fixed the sentence about computads and mention the definition of as the category of planar rooted trees of level
. Added some pictures.
I have expanded Theta category: added the definition in terms of categorical wreath product and added various properties resulting from that and references related to that.
add brief remark that Theta is the formal dual of the finite disk category in analogy to how $\Delta$ is the opposite of the category of finite strict linear intervals. But no details yet. More a reminder for things to be expanded on.
Added a link to a scan of Joyal’s original preprint on Θ-categories.
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