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I changed the notation that Mike complained about at small object argument, also changed it at cofibrantly generated model category and at combinatorial model category: I use and
for collections with right and left lifting property, respectively
I strengthened the main theorem at small object argument as requested by Mike. Added a remark on how Top fails to be presentable but still has a small object argument.
Moved all the query boxes to the bottom, as they seem to be addressed now.
expanded the definition at combinatorial model category
I added the illustrating diagrams and other symbolic exprressions to Mike's description of the proof of the small object argument
Harry Gindi pointed out that this page has disappeared. Presumably it’s something to do with that pushout diagram which feature in the last changes.
Harry seems to suggest that other pages have been effected.
I’m impressed, Urs! Thanks for fixing. When I get the chance, I can try to run some check on the rendered source to make sure that it parses as HTML, which should allow us to identify any remaining problematic pages.
If I am not mistaken I believe the in the push-out diagram in the small+object+argument#the_construction-section should be . (I.e. the and swapped.) If this is correct the way it is right now I am sorry!
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