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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorJon Beardsley
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    Does anyone of any connections that have been made between the notions of cybernetics, autopoeitic systems, or even George Spencer Browns Laws of Form, and homotopy theory or category theory?

    I suppose right now such connections might be somewhat tenuous, as the latter is pretty philosophical, and the former is pretty formal, but it seems that there are perhaps connections to be made. Especially, with the notion of the distinctions in space that Spencer-Brown talks about, ideas of homology and homotopy occur to me. Also, possible connections with David Spivak’s ontology logs and various ideas about categorical database type things. I’m also wondering if there are any connections between the aforementioned more philosophical topics and internal logic of topoi, or even topological semantics.

    Any references or ideas on this would be really appreciated, it’s just kind of a shot in the dark. Perhaps the question is not well formed.

    Best, Jon Beardsley

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    I suppose you’ve already seen some of Louis Kaufman’s ruminations on Laws of Form in his On Knots?

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    Does anyone of any connections that have been made between the notions of cybernetics, autopoeitic systems, or even George Spencer Browns Laws of Form, and homotopy theory or category theory?

    Why “or even”? LoF is just Boolean algebra in new notation, no? That is easily related to category theory, see for instance at internal logic. On the other hand, “cybernetics” and “autopoeitic systems” is about complex systems akin to biological systems. This is way, way beyond what category theory/mathematics usually describes in any substantial detail.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorJon Beardsley
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    • (edited Aug 20th 2012)

    Well, by “or even” I meant that I guess it’s more likely that there is a connection, but it wouldn’t be as interesting. However, I’m specifically thinking of the LoF ideas of differentiation in terms of homology, though again that might be sort of a trivial connection. He also introduces this notion of oscillation (p. 59) that causes me to ruminate on homology. Wondering if his “marks” on forms can be thought of as homology classes, or homotopy classes of maps, somehow embedding LoF inside of homotopy theory, though that might be sort of a silly idea. Additionally, I think Spencer-Brown would not appreciate your statement about LoF being just Boolean algebra in new notation, specifically with respect to the idea of “imaginary” truth values (i.e. the value of the statement “This statement is false” can be consistently labeled as “imaginary” to some effect, which I have not completely understood yet).

    And regarding your statement about cybernetics, Niklas Luhmann specifically uses the ideas of LoF to describe at least one autopoietic system. I’m still in the process of studying this stuff, but I’m wondering then if these notions could be, at the very least, updated to correspond to the more fashionable language of categories. That’s just a basic consideration though. There is the idea of a self-creating system, and the notion of a localization in a category to a category which is in fact equivalent to its overcategory occurs to me, making the localization an equivalence. Could this have anything to do with some kind of internal groupoid or something? At the very least we could certainly attempt to think of “operations” as arrows in a category, though this is a rough idea, and perhaps even associativity would fail here.

    Thanks again for an engaging discussion! :)

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    • (edited Aug 21st 2012)

    Additionally, I think Spencer-Brown would not appreciate your statement about LoF being just Boolean algebra in new notation

    But that’s easily checked. The Wikipedia page spells it out. LoF is not interesting for its mathematics, which is trivial, but because of it’s style of speaking about mathematics.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorJon Beardsley
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    Okay fair enough, except you still ignore the notion of second-degree equations, which is kind of what I’m finding interesting. But I guess you would argue that it has all been taken care of with Church’s work on so-called restricted recursive arithmetic (as mentioned in the Wiki), which I had not heard of.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    • (edited Aug 21st 2012)

    Let me turn this around to a positive statement:

    LoF is cool. But type theory contains it and is way cooler. And way more interesting ;-)

    Let’s just state some basics on type theory in the cool fashion of LoF:

    • let’s make the cool move of denoting the empty type, often denoted , by no symbol at all.

    • then negation of a is denoted simply


      That’s at least as cool as the


      from LoF, isn’t it :-)

    • in this notation (assuming Boolean logic), the unit type is simply

      (namely if we did write out the empty type ) which competes for coolness with LoF’s

    • and we have


      (namely ()= ).

    And there we go, the Laws of Type

    But the real fun is that, cool as this already is, this is but a tiny-tiny fragment of what mathematics is founded on. And the rest is even cooler, still.

    Namely, this is just (Boolean) (-1)-type theory. The Laws of (-1)Type™. Next comes the Laws of 0Type™ which is where traditionally most of mathematics happens. Around here, we are fond of the full story: the Laws of ∞Type™.

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorJon Beardsley
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    Haha, indeed. I’m a little bit familiar with type theory. And I agree, almost all of LoF is not particularly mathematically interesting, though I still think it might be interesting to think about autopoietic systems from the point of view of category theory. But maybe this is nothing more interesting than what essentially boils down to set theory and logic, although the study of homotopy-type theory occurs to me, specifically the work of Steve Awodey, though I know next to nothing about that stuff, so I won’t try to talk about it.

    I will also check out the laws of \infty type, because I had not heard of that.

    thanks, Jon

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    • (edited Aug 21st 2012)

    Let me expand, in a more serious tone.

    Here is what I think what Spencer Brown was really after. (Judging just from my personal gut impression from reading the book. I may be entirely wrong.) It’s something that I sympathize with. When I was young, I was spending hours and days (too many) thinking about something similar. At some point I gave it up – luckily – and started learning and then doing real science. By some cosmic chance, these days, decades after, it seems as if I am coming full circle back to those old days… up to some non-trivial holonomy.

    What I mean is this: at times one may feel a deep miracle in the fact that we write symbols to paper and then these symbols carry meaning and information about reality.

    John Archibald Wheeler, famous theoretical physicist and deep thinker about physics, once expressed roughly this awe (I think) for the fact that there is, for instance, an equation of gravity that describes the evolution of the cosmos (to some extent, at least) with the words

    Write your equations on the tiles of the floor. When you’re done, wave a wand over the equations tell them to fly.

    (I think one can see him say this in some video titled “Creation of the Universe”. I try to dig out the precise reference.)

    That feeling of magic (“wave a wand”) when speaking about how formulas relate to reality is, I think, what drove Spencer Brown. It connects to what is probably a deep root in the human psyche: the notion of casting a spell, of saying words and creating reality.

    In an age of science, we are used to disregard spells as a figment of our ancestor’s imagination. But at the same time, we have realized much of what they were, roughly, dreaming of: we can write symbols on paper and predict the future from them – to some extent, say when we are computing the arrival of an asteroid or the time when the sun will burn out, or the time when our galaxy will collide with its neighbour. That’s already amazing.

    But that’s just the physics aspect of it. From there it gets even more miraculous: by the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics we find that many of these spells all follow from a handful of master spells. Einstein’s equations and those of Yang-Mills theory. Apart from all the constants of nature in it, the standard model of particle physics is a simple mathematical formula that fits on two lines. Given all the things that follow from it, this is a rather mighty spell.

    And then it gets even more miraculous still: as I have just written about with Mike in Quantum gauge field theory in Cohesive homotopy type theory (schreiber), at least some central general structure of that mighty spell is rooted in just the bare Laws of ∞Type.

    I can be very sober about this and just continue doing research. But if I allow myself, this raises in me a feeling that feels as if it could make one start write a book of the form Spencer Brown once did. A book whose style of prose tries to closely resemble the remarkable content it conveys: if only we bring the Laws of Type out of nowhere, then a whole world appears. Our world. To a large extent, at least. As on p. v of LoF, where it says

    The theme of this book is that a universe comes into being when a space is severed or taken apart.

    I imagine that this was what Spencer Brown was after. A kind of creation myth of the world from algebra of symbols. I am not sure if this is a reasonable thing to do. But I think I do understand the inner conditions that could make one try to do this.

    And in this respect, I find Spencer Brown’s book very interesting. If only he had arrived at a more powerful symbolism…

    • CommentRowNumber10.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    That Wheeler quote continues apparently as:

    Write your equations on the tiles of the floor. When you’re done, wave a wand over the equations tell them to fly. Not one will sprout wings and fly. The universe flies, it has a life to it that no equation has.

    • CommentRowNumber11.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    • (edited Aug 20th 2012)

    Not that it’s particularly deep, but since we are talking about it at all:

    I see that some Chris Holt observes that natural interpretation of Spencer Brown’s “empty symbol” as the empty type in type theory, as in comment #7 above, here in a comment on sci.logic.

    • CommentRowNumber12.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012

    is the unit type even in constructive logic. (-:

    • CommentRowNumber13.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2012

    Oh, sure. Thanks for catching that. All the better.

    • CommentRowNumber14.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2012
    • (edited Aug 25th 2012)

    I am again in procrastination mood, so allow me to come back to the above game. But also, I need to finally learn to speak Coq, not just read it. You can regard the following as a basic question about Coq. Or as a comment on Laws of Form in type theory :-).

    So I start with the latter: observe that it’s kind of cute that the formal definition of the empty type as an inductive type is pretty much verbatim what Spence Brown is suggesting: the absence of a symbol

    Inductive empty : Type := 


    Just for distraction purposes I opened my Coq editor and tried to see if I can prove that is equivalent to the unit type. But I get stuck already with such a kindergarten Coq-problem. Here is the code that I type

      Require Import Homotopy.
      Inductive empty : Type := .
      Definition tzimtzum : (empty -> empty).
       intro H.
       exact H.
      Lemma contractible : is_contr (empty -> empty).
        exists tzimtzum.
        intro y.
        induction y.

    After this I am puzzled: I expected the last line to finish off the proof (though that’s using intuition more than actual reasoning about what the type theory engine does in the background). But instead after that last line Coq claims that the remaining subgoal is to prove


    which of course I cannot.

    What’s wrong with my proof?

    • CommentRowNumber15.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2012

    That’s slightly weird; I would expect the tactic “induction” to give you an error message, since y does not belong to an inductive type so you can’t do induction over it. Evidently Coq is guessing that you’re trying to do something fancy and outsmarting itself.

    Since your remaining goal is an equality of two functions, it’s almost certain that what you need to use is function extensionality — there’s almost no other way to prove in Coq that two functions are equal. Try “apply funext.” and go from there.

    • CommentRowNumber16.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2012

    If you replace empty with some arbitrary other type A, then you get the error I expect: “Not an inductive product”. But if you replace it with a type that is inductive, like unit or nat, you get the error “y is used in conclusion”. I have no idea what Coq is trying to do. The manual is not helpful; in the description of the tactic “induction” it says “The type of the argument term must be an inductive constant”, which is manifestly not true here.

    • CommentRowNumber17.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 28th 2012

    Wow, thanks Mike, for the detailed reply.

    (I am only looking at this reply now, since I must force myself to take care of some other tasks. :-)

    I’ll try again a little later. Thanks again.

    • CommentRowNumber18.
    • CommentAuthorJon Beardsley
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2014

    Coming back to this over a year later… haha. For what it’s worth, I’m still not satisfied with all of this. I keep thinking about paradoxes these days, and the fact that paradoxes are not just dead ends or something, but rather, alternating systems. Paradoxes seem to encode the notion of movement or alternation in a way that no other static symbol or formulation can. That is, a paradox is slippery in the sense that it changes meaning upon being perceived. This is somehow almost its definition. We never experience a paradox as being both false and true simultaneously. We experience it as true, then false, then true again, then false again (in the sense that implication is a path parameterized by time as we experience it). As such, this to feels something like a element in the fundamental group of… reality… haha! I mean, it’s a loop that can’t be closed, it doesn’t resolve. It’s like one of those little alternating guys in John Conway’s Game of Life (or that weird little thing in lambda calculus that just gets longer every time you β-reduce it, or whatever it’s called).

    Okay, after rereading what I’ve written, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to go to bed.

    • CommentRowNumber19.
    • CommentAuthorRock Brentwood
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2021
    The formalism presented in 1969 by Spencer-Brown is a groupoid suitable for use as a categorical algebra for Boolean logic and (more generally) for logics based on ortholattices, such as a quantum logic. In fact, Spencer-Brown made the key elements of this as a groupoid quite explicit: the presentation of equations both as morphisms (i.e. arrows) and bi-directionally so (i.e. invertible). These are the key properties that define a groupoid.

    As a category, the Spencer-Brown algebra is a monoidal category, in which objects are strings. The terminal object is the empty string, and the product operator is simple concatenation. As such, both the identity and association identities are built directly into the syntax of the objects themselves and the respective morphisms all become identity morphisms, as a result.

    The two dimensionality of the notation is equivalently represented as a 1-dimensional notation with commutativity. As such, the monoidal category is also braided. The commuting morphisms are, similarly, directly embedded into the syntax for the objects and all become identity morphisms, likewise. However, if reverting to 1-dimensional concrete syntax, then the morphisms are no longer identity morphisms.

    It is equipped with an additional operation that is denoted by enclosure. In 1-dimensional form, this can be written simply by enclosure within parentheses, i.e. A ↦ (A), or if you wish to distinguish from ordinary parentheses and make it more closely resemble a Spencer-Brown mark, as A ↦ ⦅A⦆.

    Since it was developed in 1969, Spencer-Brown was not aware of groupoids or that his algebra was a categorical algebra defined on a groupoid, but the essence of the idea was what the arrow notation that he used was really meant to convey. If you ignore this, you then therefore ignore what is probably the most important and innovative part of his formalism.

    The "equations as groupoids" precept appears implicitly in the presentation of both deBruijn's Automath - later brought out more a little bit more explicitly in the Calculus of Constructions, which features typed equations; and it appears in the Martin-Löf formalism, where typed equations are, also treated as types. All of these developments are forebears of what later became "Homological Type Theory".

    There are two ways Boolean algebras can generalize. One keeps distributivity intact and weakens the double-negative rule and proceeds down the route of generalization Boolean lattice → bi-Heyting lattice → Heyting lattice. The last of these is closely linked to the Curry-Howard paradigm and the related categorical algebras that have arisen ([bi-]Cartesian [closed] category) from them, which (in turn) are descendants of the later above-mentioned developments.

    The other route of generalization Boolean lattice → ortholattice drops distributivity but keeps the double negative rule and retains the role of the negation operator as an involution or ... in a categorical logic ... as an anti-functor. The de facto categorical algebra presented by Spencer-Brown may then be seen as an extension of the Curry-Howard paradigm and all the related category-theoretic developments down the second route of generalization.

    In linear notation the fundamental morphisms (apart from those that come out of the infrastructure as a braided monoidal category equipped with the A ↦ ⦅A⦆ anti-functor) are the two Spencer-Brown morphisms laid out as axioms:

    (position) p_x: ⦅⦅x⦆x⦆ ↔
    (transpose) t_{xyz}: ⦅⦅xz⦆⦅yz⦆⦆ ↔ ⦅⦅x⦆⦅y⦆⦆z

    For ortholattices, the following weaker axiom set can be used

    (number) n_x: xx → x
    (order) o_x: ⦅⦅x⦆⦆ → x
    (position) p_x: ⦅⦅x⦆x⦆ ↔
    (ortho) q_{xy} ⦅⦅xy⦆y⦆ ↔ ⦅y⦆

    In both cases, the commutator morphisms

    (commutativity) c_{xy}: xy ↔ yx

    are also required if reverting to a 1-dimensional concrete syntax; and associator and identity morphisms are required if using explicit operator notation to denote the terminal object and product operator.

    Spencer-Brown's normal form theorem can then be seen as a "coherence" theorem, which establishes the uniqueness of a morphism for a given arrow. That is, if f: A ↔ B and g: A ↔ B, then f = g.

    Coherence is already the case for bi-Cartesian bi-closed categories. So a question that naturally arises is whether/how the two lines of generalization just described can be consistently joined together. That is, if we add in the double negative rule for bi-Cartesian closed categories (or in the case where the category is bi-closed: a rule that equates its strong and weak negation operators), can this be embedded into the Spencer-Brown category, up to object isomorphism?

    The direct answer is no, since all Spencer-Brown arrows are reversible, while the arrows in bi-Cartesian (bi-)closed categories are not. So, then, the question splits into two separate questions: (a) can the categorical algebra for the maximal groupoid of a (bi-Cartesian bi-closed category + double negative rule) be embedded into Spencer-Brown, injectively up to object isomorphism and (b) what is a minimal set of reversible arrows that one can add to the Spencer-Brown groupoid to make it a category which (bi-Cartesian bi-closed category + double negative) can be embedded into. I conjecture that one only needs to add in the morphisms 1_x: x → for the terminal object (the empty string), or equivalently, the morphisms 0_x: ⦅⦆ → x for the initial object ⦅⦆ to provide for a category large enough to make the embedding into.

    The third section of Spencer-Brown's book also presented the beginnings of a framework for an algebra suitable for representing finite state boolean automata. Though Spencer-Brown, himself, did not complete this line of development, a formalization for it was actually laid out in 1985 by Turney, here

    Unfortunately, it's not freely accessible, so I can't see it or further comment on it.

    The presentation of Spencer-Brown as a categorical algebra can be found in the archive for sci.math.research in the mid-1990's. Note that this predates the "Martin-Löf is a groupoid" creed that came out several years later in the late 1990's. The question of whether/how the Spencer-Brown can be expanded to include either (a) bound quantifiers by dependent types or (b) unbounded quantifiers strictly in a first-order setting, are to my awareness unresolved, but also worth looking into.
    • CommentRowNumber20.
    • CommentAuthorRock Brentwood
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2021
    Minor corrections to the above ... (b) "minimal set of *ir*-reversible arrows" in the 4th to last paragraphs and the number and order morphisms are all reversible and so should be listed with double arrows.
    • CommentRowNumber21.
    • CommentAuthortomr
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2021

    My guess is that complex systems approach and emergence are the ways to go. But there is strange things with math: currently complex systems theory handle only physical, continuous data with differential equations. E.g. how some set of oscillators behaves in the phase space. And usual real numbers and functions are here. But symbolic systems involve words, combinatorial structures (growing graphs, being grown by augmenting with graph operations), sentences and there should be math how such words, combinatorial structures behave and evolve dynamically. Some kind of Hamiltonian on words or graphs. My guess is that there is no real line, there are lattices and similar branching systems of ordered elements. So - we should reformulate whole analysis, whole geometry from real lines, real spaces to the lattices, modules over lattices. I am not aware of such efforts. And only then we can consider symbolic (crisp or approximate) and graph systems as interacting and evolving complex systems in symbolic domain and observe/describe emergence in them. We should go beyond real numbers. Thanks for any reference or suggestions in this direction.

    • CommentRowNumber22.
    • CommentAuthortomr
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2021

    This is good reference - maybe the notion of the species of combinatorial structure is the way to go.

    • CommentRowNumber23.
    • CommentAuthorAZ_Submariner
    • CommentTimeJul 10th 2021
    Everything we need to know is out there that connects everything to the First Distinction "drawn" by the Creator of the Universe on the "deep". Burkhard Heim's Extended Quantum Field Theory calculates this First Distinction consisted of three concentric spheres. He explained this to the rocket scientists at MBB, Ottobrunn on 25 November 1976.
    In this presentation he calculated the minimum electric charge and the minimum mass that can carry an electric charge, i.e. the mass and charge of the electron.. He introduces the mathematics that is required to handle a discrete universe. It is harder than the "continuous" approximation so when you can use the approximation you use it. For example, Maxwell's Equations are "approximations", but incredibly accurate in the regions where they apply.

    Laws of Form require that there can be no distinction without an intention. We have been able to deduce the Creators intention in many areas, but our limited processing ability makes it impossible for us to figure out the whole thing. If the Creator wanted us to know His purpose, then he would have to reveal it to us, including having His purpose written down. Based on correlations between Laws of Form, and Heim's EQFT, I have concluded that the Hebrew Scriptures, both oral and written, were that vehicle. I am working on outlining this all in a work-in-progress, modestly titled, "The Unified Theory of Everything."

    Yes, this means the "The End was Determined from the Beginning." It means that you have as much "free will" as a gas molecule within a closed container. It means that you have a role in the Creator's Script(ure) and that there are consequences for not following the Script. The Hebrew Scriptures are full of stories about what happens when you ad lib and fail to ask what you should do. The Good News is that if you believe the Creator, then it is accounted to your account as if you had always been righteous.

    Comment, contributions are welcome.
    May the Form be with you!
    Best regards,
    • CommentRowNumber24.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2023
    • (edited Aug 20th 2023)

    10 years back in comment #9 I mentioned this incident and promised to provide a reference:

    John Archibald Wheeler, famous theoretical physicist and deep thinker about physics, once expressed roughly this awe (I think) for the fact that there is, for instance, an equation of gravity that describes the evolution of the cosmos (to some extent, at least) with the words

    Write your equations on the tiles of the floor. When you’re done, wave a wand over the equations tell them to fly.

    I don’t have a reference yet, but I am being reminded by Jonathan Oppenheim tweeting about (here) John Preskill re-enacting at “ItFromQBit 2023” banquet of whatever it was that Wheeler was doing around that quote.

    Back then in comment #9I added that

    (I think one can see him say this in some video titled “Creation of the Universe”. I try to dig out the precise reference.)

    but I forget why I said this [edit: it is recounted that way here] and I don’t have the reference. There are tons of video recordings of Wheeler on YT (here), but none of that kind of title.

    • CommentRowNumber25.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2023

    Oh, now I found it. It’s well referenced by Blake Stacey here.

    Am adding this now to our entry John Wheeler in a section Quotes.