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added to simplicial set in the Definition section a slightly more explicit version of the definition.
(I see now this kind of thing is repeated further below in the entry. But it should be right there as a formal definition, I think.)
What do you think should go at the subsection: As models in homotopy theory as we still have a stub there,
Sorry, I thought it was clear what should go there from the keywords: a brief discussion of how simplicial sets support ordinary homotopy theory as well as directed homotopy theory with pointers to the relevant entries.
I added the references
Emily Riehl, A leisurely introduction to simplicial sets, 2008, 14 pages (pdf).
Pierre Gabriel, Michel Zisman, Calculus of fractions and homotopy theory.
I made some slight changes to this entry changing the title of one section and adding some brief words on cthe relationship between simplicial complexes and simplicial sets.
Yes I like it!
Thanks for the alert! I have fixed it now.
This must be because our sysadmin Richard Williamson just recently made some changes to the parsing of pages. The cause of the problem now was this:
The floating table of contents since the last edit had been coded as
+-- {: .rightHandSide}
+-- {: .toc .clickDown tabindex="0"}
#### Homotopy theory
+--{: .hide}
[[!include homotopy - contents]]=--
instead of
+-- {: .rightHandSide}
+-- {: .toc .clickDown tabindex="0"}
#### Homotopy theory
+--{: .hide}
[[!include homotopy - contents]]
(as easily happens from copy-and-pasting the ingredients).
Fixed now!
added publication data for:
also rearranged the list of references a little, to order them more logically
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