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I polished and expanded a bit the section chain complex - definition - in components
Is there any source that talks about chain complexes in ∞-categories? I.e. something that looks like sequences in a suitable ∞-category with vanishing conditions?
I mean to contrast against doing things like:
I like to think of chain complexes as a recipe for constructing objects as a “total object” (e.g. by iterated cofibers), and while I sort of have a start on how to encode such things (e.g. functors out of an iterated join of copies of the discrete category {0,1} that send all of the 0’s to zero objects), I’m hoping to avoid having to devise the theory from scratch.
Re #3: Yes, apart from Remark in Lurie’s Higher Algebra, see also https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06368v1.
Remark is of the “chain complex in the homotopy category” type. I had only really interpreted
I suppose if there was an answer like “one right thing to do is to consider sequences ℤ→𝒞 such that composing with 𝒞→h𝒞 gives a complex” it would be a positive answer to my question, but the details of such an implication are not obvious to me.
The paper you linked looks good, though. Corollary 4.1.2, in particular, is a statement I had hoped would be true, but seemed daunting to work out myself in the generality I had hoped for. Thanks!
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