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For some time now I’ve been bothered by an implicit redundancy spanned by the articles nice category of spaces and convenient category of topological spaces. I would like the latter to have a more precise meaning and the former to be something more vague and flexible. I have therefore been doing some rewriting at the former. But if anyone disagrees with the edits, please let’s discuss this here.
I have removed a query box:
+– {: .query} I’m not sure that we really want to use the terminology that way, but Ronnie already created that page, so I’m linking these together. —Toby =–
The categories of convergence spaces and filter spaces are nice categories of spaces but aren’t included in the article.
This entry should probably be merged into convenient category of spaces, which seems to be better developed.
For the moment I have added a cross-pointer at the very top.
Also rewrote the very first paragraph and touched the second one.
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