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Created polymorphism.
added this reference:
- Robert Atkey, Neil Ghani and Patricia Johann, A Relationally Parametric Model of Dependent Type Theory, In Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2014). 2014. (web)
Added disambiguation link to poly-morphism.
Add a basic paragraph about the classic “Theorems for free!” paper.
I am redlinking free theorem in anticipation of a more categorical approach which could consider these as examples of free objects.
System F is redlinked elsewhere. Yet another article I should probably stub.
Also adding the Narya proof assistant to this article, to which parametricity redirects to.
Parametric polymorphism is also called parametricity in more recent type theory literature, such as in
Adding reference
Adding reference
Adding redirects for external parametricity, internal parametricity, modal parametricity, and modal internal parametricity.
Adding reference
Adding reference
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