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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthordomenico_fiorenza
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2012
    • (edited Sep 24th 2012)

    Let AA be an unital algbra over a field kk, and let A oA^o be its opposite algebra. Since AA is naturally an AA-AA-bimodule, AA is naturally an A kA oA\otimes_k A^o left module, and similarly A oA^o is an A kA oA\otimes_k A^o right module. So one can consider the (A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-(A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-bimoule A kA oA\otimes_k A^o.

    On the other hand, since both AA and A oA^o are algebras, so is A kA oA\otimes_k A^o, which therefore has a natural (A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-(A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-bimoule structure.

    My guess is that these two (A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-(A o kA)(A^o\otimes_k A)-bimoule structures on A kA oA\otimes_k A^o do not coincide (in the first one a AkA oA\otimes{k}A^o-scalar cannot “travel from the left to the right”, or at least so it seems to me), but I’d like to see this clearly, and also to have a better notation to distinguish the two bimodule structures (if they are indeed different).

    Another guess that the two bimodule structures should be different is the following: let B=A o A o kAAB=A^o\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}A. Then, if the two bimodule structures coincide one has

    B kB=(A o A o kAA) k(A o A o kAA)=A o A o kA(A kA o) A o kAA=A o A o kAA=B B\otimes_k B = (A^o\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}A)\otimes_k (A^o\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}A) = A^o\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}(A\otimes_k A^o)\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}A=A^o\otimes_{A^o\otimes_k A}A=B

    which would imply dim kB=0\dim_k B=0 or dim kB=1\dim_k B=1, and this seems to me not to be the case in general.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2012
    • (edited Sep 24th 2012)

    do not coincide (in the first one a […] scalar cannot “travel from the left to the right”,

    Yes, only that maybe “scalar” is misleading. Not sure, but of course the elements in kAA KA ok \hookrightarrow A \hookrightarrow A \otimes_K A^o do “travel from left to right”. And back.

    I’d like to see this clearly,

    Here is a suggestion: draw multiplication in string diagram notation. Then you see that the two module structure differ by a permutation/braiding of strings.

    But maybe I am not properly addressing your question. Let me know.

  1. Here is a suggestion: draw multiplication in string diagram notation.

    Yes, that is where I started from! :)

    ok, now I’m reassured I wasn’t wrong. Thanks a lot!