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I have tried to brush-up existential quantifier a little more. But not really happy with it yet.
I doubt there’ll be many links “existence”. (Strangely a search with double brackets yielded every page.) But I agree it may as well be a redirect for being.
Some connection to this page goes via Quine’s idea that “To be is to be a value of a bound variable”. Then one locates one’s “ontological commitments” by expressing the best theories of the world in predicate logic and reading off the kinds of thing quantified over.
If you want to be more ambitious in relating these entries, one could expand along the lines that
∃D=[D]−1≃*to be pronounced: “For a d:D to exist means for the class of all d:D to be.”
or with more detail: “Asserting the existence of d:D is to assert that the class of all d:D is being-modal.”
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