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Copying old query box here from pseudofunctor (having incorporated its content into the entry):
Tim: in specifying a pseudo functor you have to decide whether the isomorphism goes from to or in the other direction. Of course they are equivalent as each will be inverse to the other. You might say that one is lax and pseudo the other op-lax and pseudo. When specifying the Grothendieck construction for such a functor, which is to be preferred?
Both are about equally represented in the literature that I have seen which gets confusing. (In other words, I’m confused!)
Toby: As you suggest, the two versions are equivalent, so in a way it doesn't make a difference. But it might be nice to settle a convention in case we need it.
Tim: I have been using (for the Menagerie) the idea that there are pseudofunctors presented in two equivalent flavours lax pseudofunctor and oplax ones.
Mike: Well, the natural comparison maps that you get in a Grothendieck fibration go in the “lax” direction , since they are induced by the universal property of cartesian arrows. In particular, if you have a functor with “weakly cartesian” liftings that don’t compose, then it is a lax functor. Not a very strong argument, but if we just want some convention it might be a reason to pick lax. I think that making too big a deal out of the difference would be misleading, though.
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