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started Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem, for the moment just to collect references.
I have added a bit more of an actual statement to Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem. I followed Jonathan Evans’s good idea (linked to in the entry) to highlight that for line bundles on surfaces this is what ought to be called the Hodge-Maxwell theorem; and I created a brief entry for that.
Some of the business about numerical invariants like rank and degree inducing corresponding filtrations needing to do the strata of moduli spaces are invented by Grothendieck in FGA when introducing moduli spaces like Quot, Pic, Hilbert schemes. See the modern era remake FGA explained, n particular the chapter
Then Mumford introduced the stability in his works on geometric invarant theory. Urs, a small question – I do not understand why the later Takemoto Nagoya references from 1972/1973 is claimed to have the original discovery as well ? I do not know the details, but probably you have some reason why you consider this an original reference about the notion ?
I thought that we already had the related entry Harder-Narasimhan filtration but it does not look so under the inspection. Maybe I had it in my mind when in a spree of writing the circle of (in one chain of correspondences) somewhat related stubs like stability, Bridgeland stability, Stokes phenomenon, slope…
Thanks, Zoran. Right, so I guess you saw me start to create stubs for
etc. This is not done yet, clearly. Please add references as you happen to have them readily available.
Regarding your question, I am not sure which entry the question refers to, sorry. But I am pretty sure that you know more about which author was first in this case, so please just go and fix it if you see the need.
Well, Takemoto says in his first part
We give the definition of an H-stable vector bundle on a variety X. This definition is a generalization of Mumford’s definition on a curve.
what is in favor of your wording about the origins of Mumford stability in the references at stable vector bundle.
OK, I added a couple of lines at rank of a coherent sheaf.
We do have a stub for Quot scheme. The entry stability is a disambiguation page and we do not have yet a Mumford stability page.
okay, thanks. Meanwhile I have started a stub for Harder-Narasimhan theorem with a pointer to Evans’s lectures.
And I have added to holomorphic vector bundle a brief paragraph on the characterisation over Riemann surfaces by U(n)-principal connections, due to Atiyah-Bott.
Generally,I am adding pointers to sections 7 and 8 of
to various of these entries.
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