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I had added what was not there yet from Hess's comment to monoidal Dold-kan correspondence.
That page has two main subsections: one on the simplicial/chain one on the cosimplicial/cochain version.
It does actually state more detailed and powerful things about the simplicial version. The reason that the cosimplicial version looks longer is because it gives a detailed discussion of what is standard in the simplicial case: why the cochain Moore functor is also lax monoidal ,something that is never much discussed in the literature.
Also, one motivation for this page is still this asymmetry: there are detailed results on how the simplicial/chain Dold-Kan correspondence is fully oo-monoidal in both directions. The existing results on this for the cosimplicial/cochain version is much weaker. I am still trying to find the full statement here.
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