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I have created a page list of mathematics software with links to all the nLab pages I could find about software packages, and put all of those pages in category: software.
I have created a page in my personal Lab (and reported it some time ago) which has soe overlap and additional link: cs links (zoranskoda).
I do not really like to call languages, compilers and so on, software. Various software may of course accomplush various partial or full implementations of those. Some of solutions, may also or alternatively be hard-wired. In transmeta microprocessor, for example, there are all levels combined from hardware, firmware to software used to piece the code and optimize it on the fly. Languages also have their abstract meaning, even if not implemented.
Indeed, a language is not software, but surely a particular compiler is a piece of software. I suppose one might argue that the Coq and Agda and Mathematica languages ought to be considered separately from their implementations, but it’s hard to make the distinction when you have a language for which only one compiler has ever been written, and which is essentially defined by the behavior of that compiler.
I have added some links to the list. I also edited Sage as I do not think one says ’a software’!
Mea culpa, Tim.
English is far from being a consistent logically based language … and here I am not thinking of the spelling!!!!!
I have added a link to swMATH.
K. N. Anagnostopoulos has kindly offered the pdf of his book on computational physics along with accompanying software under a Creative Commons License/GNU public License as a service to the scientific community. I thought at first that his email was a spam, but in fact it is information about an available product which is a worthy service to the community.
I hope he gets also more hard copies sold on the side.
Added quiver (editor).
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