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There has GOT to be a better photograph than that! Is there anyone here in Oxford? Can they go and get a picture for us?
Why do you think this is a bad photograph ? Presumably, you want to hide that not everybody followed the entire life the hollywood short hair cuts ?
Yeah, I must say the photo is old, by I found it pretty cool.
What we should do at least, though, is put a time label to the picture. Allegedly this was taken 1982. I tried, but couldn't quite figure out how I can put text beneath the picture in the right column.
I have no problem with wacky haircuts - I only wish I had enough hair to be able to have one! But it doesn't look all that much like him now. I don't particularly know why we have photographs on these pages, but if we do then I'd say that it should be so that if you meet them or have met them at a conference then you can link the real person to the n-lab page in your head.
Whereupon we get into the messy business of rights. At least with the picture from wikipedia we know it's okay to use it.
Re: ‘the messy business of rights’
Well, no, in fact, the picture form Wikimedia is not free to use. One has to comply with the either the GNU or CC licences here, which we do not.
At the very least, we ought to link these Wikimedia images back to the Wikimedia page. That is not technically sufficient, but it serves the purpose of showing people what their rights are.
Edit: I have linked this one now, in an explanatory caption.
I guess we ought to sort out the rights issue. I'll start a new discussion on it.
added pointer to
on the homotopy type of the space of rational functions from the Riemann sphere to itself (related to the moduli space of monopoles in ℝ3 and to the configuration space of points in ℝ2)
and added the reference also to these respective entries
On integrable functions in terms of infinitedimensional Sato-Segal-Wilson Grassmannian
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