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also created axiom UIP, just for completeness. But the entry still needs some reference or else some further details.
okay, added the statement. Hope I put the bracket type in the right place…
I have added brief cross-links between axiom UIP and univalence axiom
Is UIP technically contrary to the univalence axiom, or does this “just” only leave trivial models?
Internally, it is technically contrary, in the sense that if you have both of them you can construct an inhabitant of ∅. (This is the only possible internal meaning of “contrary”.) Externally, you are right that what this means is that only the trivial model satifies both.
In the Statement section are we saying that UIP is an element of that dependent product?
I believe that what is intended is to assert (take as an axiom) that there is a term of that dependent product. I.e. if written as a rule, one would have nothing above the line and this judgement below it. I can try to write it like that later (no time just now). I myself would probably write it with A:Type above the line, removing one term from the dependent product, but one might object that it looks less like an axiom then. I defer to whatever way to write it Mike would prefer!
By the way, I find the statement that this axiom makes the type theory extensional slightly confusing; I think that what is meant is what is described as ’propositional extensionality’ at extensional type theory, whereas my default meaning for extensional type theory would be the stricter one.
So yes it could be like the use of ua as the function required by the Univalence Axiom, but then lower case is the norm.
Looks good, thanks!
Axiom K technically stands for a combinator like J, only for loops instead of paths. People often conflate it with uniqueness of identity proofs (UIP) because they are interderivable when ignoring concerns about definitional equality.
The wiki page should state the correct version. This used to be the case up until revision 15. Maybe this was part of the flood of HoTT-related edits a year ago.
Now, some parts, like the subsection on computational behaviour doesn’t make any sense anymore.
Looking through the page history over at axiom K (type theory), the only other substantial edit by Anonymous is, besides revision 15, their revision 24, the rest of the many edits are single-word adjustments by Anonymous.
Hence if we rolled back to revision 11, the last version before the notorious Anonymous came in, it would be the material of revisions 15 and 24 that would be reverted.
I suppose it would be justified.
(I guess the Anonymous editor here is the “Anonymouse” who is still around, judging from their signature move to write “could” where it needs “can” or “may”.)
I have now rolled back the edits by “Anonymous” at axiom K (type theory) (as announced there).
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