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added some references on constructive analysis here.
cross-linked with a new entry computable analysis
(maybe they should have been merged right away…)
Added reference to the undergrad textbook Bridger 2019
Added reference to the undergrad textbook Bridger 2019
Is that a new book or just a reprint of his his 2006 book? (amazon 320pp.)
The AMS version (302pp.) uses the same image on its cover and Mark Bridger seems to have retired around 10 years ago.
I think it’s probably functionally identical to the old book, but costs half as much. I don’t feel like advertising the Wiley version. The change in title is a subtle improvement from a marketing point of view, since interval arithmetic is hot stuff for verified computations cf the computational work of David Platt that helped prove the ternary Goldbach conjecture, and also helped in lowering the bound on the de Bruijn-Newman constant by Polymath15.
We have a draft paper on synthetic topology in HoTT. We’re hoping to release an updated and rewritten version in a month or so.
added publication data to:
have added publication data for this item:
and added pointer to this item:
the entry also has an old item
but the link is dead and I haven’t found a replacement (but by its date, this is probably the MSc thesis preceding the PhD thesis above, so maybe it’s redundant to link to it anyways)
added pointer to:
here and at Cauchy real number
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