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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorMirco Richter
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2013
    • (edited Jan 19th 2013)

    Let C\mathbf{C} be an (oo,1)-cat and XX an object of it. Has someone already given a description of the over category C /X\mathbf{C}_{/X}, in terms of categories enriched over Kan simplicial sets?

    I mean if we look at C\mathbf{C} as a category with Kan simplicial sets as hom’s, how is the over category defined in this picture?

    The hom-set definition relays on the definition of elements f:*hom(.,.)f: * \to hom(.,.), but in the higher context, there are not just elements f:Δ[0]hom C(.,.)f: \Delta[0] \to hom_{\mathbf{C}}(.,.) but there are also the’higher elements’ (higer morphisms of course) f:Δ[n]hom C(.,.)f: \Delta[n] \to hom_{\mathbf{C}}(.,.), so on a first sight this is not straight forward.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMirco Richter
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2013
    • (edited Jan 19th 2013)

    If I see it right, the idea in over-(infinity,1)-category doesn’t apply 1:1 to the simplicial enriched setting.

    To see that, suppose C\mathbf{C} is an (oo,1)-category and X,Y,YX,Y,Y' are objects of C\mathbf{C}. Suppose the objects of C /X\mathbf{C}_{/X} are morphisms f 1:YXf_1: Y \to X. To speak of a morphism we need to know what f 1hom C(Y,X)f_1 \in hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X) means and in the simplicial category setting, it means

    f 1hom sSet(Δ[0],hom C(Y,X))f_1 \in hom_{sSet}(\Delta[0],hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X))

    Since the latter is a set ’\in’ makes sense in the usual way.

    The problem is then the 22-morphism

    Y 1 Y 2 f 1 f 2 f 1 X \array{ Y_1 &&\stackrel{}{\to}&& Y_2 \\ & {}_{\mathllap{f_1}}\searrow &\swArrow_{f_2}& \swarrow_{\mathrlap{f'_1}} \\ && X }

    What’s that?

    We have 22-morphisms f 2hom C(Y,X))f_2 \in hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X)) and f 2hom C(Y,X))f'_2 \in hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y',X)) defined by

    f 2hom sSet(Δ[1],hom C(Y,X))f_2 \in hom_{sSet}(\Delta[1],hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X))

    but that is different from the diagram above.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMirco Richter
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2013
    • (edited Jan 19th 2013)

    Why not using the following:

    Objects of the slice (oo,1)-category are nn-morphisms for any nn\in \mathbb{N}, or to be more precise objects of C /X\mathbf{C}_{/X} are all pairs (Y,f n)(Y,f_n), where YObj(C)Y \in Obj(\mathbf{C}) is an object of C\mathbf{C} and f n:YXf_n: Y \to X is an nn-morphism f nhom C(Y,X)f_n \in hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X), which means

    f nhom sSet(Δ[n],hom C(Y,X))f_n \in hom_{sSet}(\Delta[n],hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X)) for some nNn \in \mathbf{N}.

    Now the arrows in the slice (oo,1)-category should be Kan simplicial sets.

    For any two objects Y,YCY,Y'\in \mathbf{C} we have the categorical composition law

    :hom C(Y,X) sSethom C(Y,Y)hom C(Y,X)\circ: hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X) \otimes_{sSet} hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y',Y) \to hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y',X)

    This way we get an arrow (Y,f)(Y,f)(Y',f') \to (Y,f), which is the natural transformation of simplicial sets t:hom C(Y,X)hom C(Y,X)t: hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y',X) \to hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y,X), restriced to the simplicial subset f n(Δ[n])f'_n(\Delta[n]) of hom C(Y,X)hom_{\mathbf{C}}(Y',X).

    However we need a Kan simplicial set (Y,f) (Y,f)(Y',f') \to_{\infty} (Y,f), but we can define that in dimension mm by t:f n×Δ[m]ft: f_n'\times \Delta[m] \to f for tt as above.

    This is like the inner hom.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2013
    • (edited Jan 21st 2013)

    Hard to tell for me what you are asking here.

    Maybe the quickest way to get a handle on \infty-slices as Kan-complex enriched categories is this: if you obtain your Kan-complex enriched category from a model category, then the Kan-complex slice category is analogously given by the slice model structure.

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorMirco Richter
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2013
    • (edited Jan 22nd 2013)

    Hmm I thought to proof that this a valid slice category presentation, I should apply Cordiers simplicial nerve functor and then see, if what we get is equivalent to his standard definition of the slice in terms of quasy categories.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2013
    • (edited Jan 22nd 2013)

    What is “this” in your last message?

    The proof that the slice model structure presensent the slice \infty-category (if we are slicing over a fibrant representative) is spelled out at slice model structure.

    Or are you after the description of the slice as a quasi-category? That is simply this: if 𝒞\mathcal{C} is a quasi-category and XX an object, then then nn-cells of 𝒞 /X\mathcal{C}_{/X} are those maps Δ n*Δ 0𝒞\Delta^n \ast \Delta^0 \to \mathcal{C} out of the join of simplicial sets that take the cone point Δ 0\Delta^0 to XX.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorMirco Richter
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2013
    • (edited Jan 22nd 2013)

    this means my proposed definition in post #3, because of what I said in #2 …

    The last part of your last post is clear. This is part of HTT, but not what I’m after.

    I’m talking about:


    Category enriched over Kan simplicial sets (This is a prsentation of an (oo,1)-category)


    Given an object of that category, what is the slice category over that object.

    Can’t see why we have to take model structures into consideration.

    Most likely there is a bug in our communication, somewhere…

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2013

    I am not aware of a direct formula for a general Kan-complex enriched category.

    But I said: in case it happens to come to you as the full subcategory of fibrant-cofibrant objects of a simplicial model category, then the slicing is given simply as the ordinary slicing of the model structure over a fibrant representative objects.

    If your Kan-complex enriched category does not arise this way, you can in principle 1. apply the homotopy coherent nerve to obtain the coresponding quasi-category, then 2. produce its slice as above and then 3. turn that again into a Kan complex enriched category by the adjoint of the homotopy coherent nerve.

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2013

    Here’s a more abstract idea: slice categories are a special case of comma categories, which are a weighted limit. Now consider the corresponding weighted homotopy limit in the model category of simplicially enriched categories. This might not work, however, if the latter model category is insufficiently well-behaved — e.g. it is not a monoidal model structure, hence not model-wise enriched over itself, and so it’s not entirely clear what sort of “weighting” one would need to consider. But it’s perhaps a direction worth thinking about.