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I have some questions for the experts out there.
(1) Is the exact completion of a lex, locally small, well-powered category also well-powered? If not, what’s a nice counterexample?
(2) Is the following result known? If it is, is it obvious? “A locally small well-powered infinitary pretopos has all W-types.” Unless I’m deceiving myself somewhere, I think I can prove this in a nice way. Also, the ambient set theory (referring to phrases like “locally small”, “well-powered”, etc.) can be ETCS: no replacement needed.
I got to thinking about this after responding to Andrej Bauer at MO here on where the replacement axiom schema is used in “ordinary mathematics”. I began writing out some details for (2) based on Paul Taylor’s development of general recursion via well-founded coalgebras – what I have is simple and could well be in the literature, but all I have at home is his book, which doesn’t have the specific details I wrote out (which I might put on my web here a little later today).
(3) Possibly related to question 1: what is the precise meaning of this statement here: “A requirement of well-poweredness is also inconsistent with the spectrum of familial regularity and exactness.” ?
Re question (1): shame on me. There are comments on this in regular and exact completions, and counterexamples aplenty (e.g., in Menni’s thesis). I suppose an answer to (3) might be just that: that taking the ex/lex completion (for example) does not preserve the property of well-poweredness.
Regarding (2) - can it be stated more generally about “geometric morphisms” over a base topos? Can we even consider a(n infinitary) pretopos over a base topos?
Regardless, this would be a nice result!
I’d like to see (2) too! I don’t think it’s obvious to me, although I can imagine that some sort of adjoint-functory-thing might work.
Regarding (3), I think what I meant (assuming I’m the one who wrote that, which seems likely) is that we don’t require the subobject posets of a coherent category to be finite, or those of a regular category to be singletons, so why should we require those of a geometric category to be small?
Thanks for responding, guys (and sorry for not responding sooner, David – I’m still mulling over your comment).
The theorem I’m asserting can be found here (theorem 3, at the end). Actually, I think of this as just a sample or stopgap theorem: the techniques that lead up to it should be thought of as both simple and robust, meaning that with a little more thought, I think it should be possible to prove variants that don’t require well-poweredness assumptions. But I’m still thinking this over.
Oh dear, that link I gave requires my password. Sorry! Try this instead.
Unfortunately, I don’t have time to read it carefully right now, but this looks very nice! Is local cartesian closure only used in Theorem 2 to conclude that colimits are stable under pullback? If so, then being an infinitary pretopos ought to also suffice for that.
Do we know any examples of well-powered infinitary -pretoposes that are not Grothendieck toposes?
Mike, thanks for having a look! And thanks for your observation about infinitary pretoposes.
For some reason I thought I had (as of a few days ago) several examples, but one example of a well-powered infinitary -pretopos that is not a Grothendieck topos is the small colimit completion of . This is also the exact completion of the arrow category that I mentioned recently at generic proof. I’m thinking that there ought to be more such small colimit completion examples.
The small colimit completion of is equivalent to the exact completion of ??
Yes, I believe so. The small colimit completion of a left exact category is equivalent to the exact completion of its small coproduct completion (see Rosicky, Cartesian closed exact completions, lemma 3 on page 264), and the small coproduct completion of can be identified with the arrow category (in general, if is a Grothendieck topos and is left adjoint to the global sections functor , then the small coproduct completion of can be identified with ).
Ah, of course!
The exact completion of any infinitary -pretopos is again such, right? So what remains is to verify well-poweredness, which seems to be some sort of AC-like condition on the category we start from.
Yes, that’s right. I am sort of interested in choice-like criteria for well-foundedness as part of one set of hypotheses to conclude the existence of -types (as in this theorem 3), but I’m also open to other options. For example, maybe one could entertain the hypothesis that the infinitary -pretopos has large-complete subobject lattices? Any interesting examples there? Don’t know; still mulling it over.
The “usual” example I think of of a category with large-complete subobject lattices is quasitopological spaces. But it’s not a pretopos.
Hmm, our page on quasi-topological space doesn’t seem quite right to me – I thought they were the small-set-valued concrete sheaves on the large site of compact Hausdorff spaces, hence not obviously a quasitopos.
Hm, I seem to have been the culprit (?) on quasi-topological space, and my memory is that I had trouble accessing a good reference from where I sit at my computer, and was going by my memory/seat of my pants. But if I understand your objection, it’s not in how the notion was defined on the page, but rather with how the assertion of being a quasitopos was airily concluded.
There is a brief paragraph on quasi-topological spaces in Wyler’s Lecture Notes on Topoi and Quasitopoi, and he does say that they form a quasitopos. Which I am willing to believe, but I haven’t gone through his argument (which requires some buildup) in detail.
Ok – I’ve made the assertion a little less airy. (-:
Re #15: thanks, Mike!
Incidentally, can you tell me where it is proved that subobject lattices in the category of quasi-topological spaces are large-complete? Anything freely available online?
Hmm, I thought it was fairly easy, since they have initial structures and final structures over Set.
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