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added to supergeometry a link to the recent talk
added pointer to
added publication data for
I added the point about
that it generalizes to any commutative ring, in particular, p-adic ones.
Hmm what would happen to the brane bouquet if it began from a p-adic superpoint?
Someone on MO is interested in the treatment of superschemes by the supergeometric modalities. See this question.
It was one morning on a night train Berlin-Prague, a bed in a lonely compartment, the river running on the left, the canyon walls on the right, that this top third of the progression of modalities sprang to mind.
Looking back, already a tale of a lost time. They killed all night trains shortly after, interested all in [geopolitical rant deleted] and certainly not in the progression of the Spirit.
added pointer to:
Pierre Deligne, John Morgan, Notes on Supersymmetry (following Joseph Bernstein)_, in: Quantum Fields and Strings, A course for mathematicians, 1, Amer. Math. Soc. Providence (1999) 41-97 [ISBN:978-0-8218-2014-8, web version, DeligneMorgan-NotesOnSusy.pdf:file]
Ivan Mircović, Notes on Super Math, in Quantum Field Theory Seminar, lecture notes (2004) [pdf, Mirkovic-NotesOnSupermathematics.pdf:file]
added pointer to:
added pointer to today’s
added a couple more references on supergeometry of fermion fields. Will make this list of references now an !include
-entry supergeometry of fermion fields – references for ease of synchronizing it to other entries (such as at fermion)
added pointer to:
Am adding also pointer to chapters of this book to various relevant entries.
added pointer to today’s
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