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I am starting an entry Poincaré duality algebra, but it still needs some attention
okay, I have added the definition For graded-commutative algebras.
Let me know your favorite reference, and I’ll add it, too.
added to Poincare duality algebra
two more references on the C*-case;
remarks highlighting that the C*-case is about duality in K-theory as opposed to in ordinary cohomology;
a remark that for twisted groupoid convolution algebras the fact that the Poincaré duality is to the opposite algebra corresponds to keeping the same groupoid (up to equivalence) but inverting the twist
(this is no hard to see, but if anyone knows a place where this is remarked in the literature, I’d be grateful for a pointer.)
I have added at K-orientation and Umkehr maps discussion of push-forward in twisted K-theory.
Essentially the same discussion I have (with slight editorial changes) also copied to
Also added more related references to all these entries.
related discussion on MO here
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