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added to (infinity,1)-operad the definition/proposition of the model structure for the category of (oo,1)-categories of operations here
The table of contents seemed mixed up there, so I tried to fix it.
added a section
at (infinity,1)-operad where I give some definition/proposition/proof, as far as I think I can see, of aspects of what is expected to be a Quillen equivalence between the Cisinski-Moerdijk-Weiss-model and the Lurie-model of (oo,1)-operads.
In that context I added to spine the definition for dendroidal sets.
I further strengthened the statement (and proof) of the theorem about the Relation between the two definitions at (infinity,1)-operad.
Now I have almost that the dendroidal nerve from the Lurie-model to the Cisinski-Moerdijk-Weiss model is the right adjoint of a Quillen adjunction, except that I currently only know that the left adjoint has the required respect for acylic cofibrations only for cofibrant domains. I'll think about getting rid of that condition...
ahm, or maybe not. There is a gap in my argument. I have briefly indicated this in the proof for the moment, but need to leave it at that for the time being, as I have to go offline now. More later.
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