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Added to Hopf monad the Bruguières-Lack-Virelizier definition and some properties.
Now added also the Mesablishvili-Wisbauer definition. There is a relationship between the two definitions described in the Mesablishvili-Wisbauer paper, but I can’t really figure it out.
Hopf (bi)monads are extensively studied in the book
Somehow doi does not work directly but from https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-98137-6
I’m not sure it’s appropriate to redirect bimonad here, rather than having a disambiguation page, since other concepts (like Frobenius monads) could also be argued to deserve that name.
Given an exact sequence of (finite-dim’l semisimple) Hopf algebras A→˜H→H, one has an exact sequence of fusion categories Comod(A)→Comod(˜H)→Comod(H). Such exact sequences are classified by a Hopf monad on, in this case, Comod(H), which here is just the composition T=Res∘Ind of the Induction functor Ind followed by the Restriction functor Res of comodules. In this case this is actually a Frobenius monad, as it has compatible lax and oplax structure. On the other hand, an exact sequence of Hopf algebras is determined by a weak action H⊗A→A, a cocycle H⊗H→A, a weak coaction H→H⊗A, and a dual cocycle H→A⊗A, satisfying some array of conditions.
My question is, is there a straightforward way to state how these four ingredients construct the Frobenius monad T=Res∘Ind ? Or equivalently how starting from such a monad one can distil the weak (co)actions and (dual) cocycle?
In partial response to #8, at least for abelian extensions (Hopf algebra extensions of the form kΓ→H→kG), this can be inferred from the (G,Γ)-crossed tensor structure on VecΓ constructed in (Natale 14). I don’t have time right now to contextualize this in the nLab article so I’ll just leave this comment for the record.
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