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The homotopy pullback of a weak equivalence is a weak equivalence, yes.
One way to see it is to compute the homotopy pullback in terms of the ordinary pullback over a fibrant replacement of the original diagram: the fibrant replacement diagram has fibrant objects and both morphisms are fibrations. If one of them was a weak equivalence before, it is now an acylic fibration. These are preserved under ordinary pullback, so the pullback morphism is then also an acyclic fibration and hence in particular a weak equivalence.
More generally, homotopy pullbacks (at least in simplicially enriched model categories) model pullback in (oo,1)-catgeories. Their properties are structurally exactly those of ordinary pullbacks, just with everything working up to higher coherent homotopy. But the proof that the pullback in an (oo,1)-category of a morphism that is an equivalence is again an equivalence is entirely parallel to the proof that the ordinary pullback of an isomorphism is an isomorphism.
There is a query at homotopy pullback.The questions answer is ‘Yes’ I think!
It seems you already fixed the entry somehow? Because currently I cannot understand what the question is about. (Or was about.)
Should we not remove the query box then?
I fixed the diagram, but left the query so that ’Stephen’ would get the message about the forum. (I hope he has).
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