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stub at locally compact locale
Added to locally compact locale a class of examples of locally compact locales which may constructively fail to be spatial, namely spectra of rings.
In the process I noticed that our entry on the spectrum of a commutative ring needs some love. For instance, it is missing a constructively sensible construction (as a locale or directly as a topos, as referenced in this recent math.SE question), the formulation of its universal property, and a discussion of its relation to Hakim’s very general spectrum construction and to the relative spectrum construction commonly used in algebraic geometry. When time allows, I’ll have a go at these additions.
I have added the references, like this:
* Christopher F. Townsend: *A categorical proof of the equivalence of local compactness and exponentiability in locale theory*, [[Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques]], **47** 3 (2006) 233-239 [[numdam:CTGDC_2006__47_3_233_0](http://www.numdam.org/item/CTGDC_2006__47_3_233_0)]
* [[J. Martin E. Hyland]]: *Function spaces in the category of locales* in: *Continuous Lattices*, Lecture Notes in Mathematics **871**, Springer (1981) [[doi:10.1007/BFb0089910](https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0089910)]
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