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Great Job, David!
Would you like to make a guest post to the Cafe, announcing your thesis? If so, just send me an email with the desired text, and I'll post it.
I've just been appointed a visiting research fellow at Adelaide University for a year (still working full-time outside academia, though :-).
Congrats! But how does that work? How do you work full time and still become a visiting research fellow?
In a dream world, I'd try to do something similar. My PhD advisor is now dean of engineering at HKU. If only in a different life...
I get no pay from the uni, just access to library, online journals, email and the like. I'm basically, as far as I see it, only obliged to publish stuff, so that the university gets the kudos (as much as little ol' me can bring) and the funding for having published at a certain rate. All said publishable stuff is from my thesis or done in my spare time.
Great news. Congrats.
What exactly is your role at the NCVER?
I like the wording of your page which almost reads as if you were applying 2-bundles and internal groupoids to Vocational Education! :-)
At the moment I'm an in-house research consultant/analyst. Last year I was analysing survey results. I was aware of the irony of the wording order, and I should perhaps put it as 'my [pure] mathematical work is in...'.
You should look at topological data analysis (a la Carlsson et al) astonish all the vocational educationalists and then interpret the 2-bundle corresponding to a path connection on data space, in terms of 2-covering spaces thus proving that what they wanted to do cannot be done!!!! :-)
(Joking of course, but I would love to have something like that happen!)
Great that some steps and rewards started coming up in your early career, but with your level you deserve much more: I mean being paid for full time academic job. Are you considering leaving Australia ? I think at least the temporary academic jobs (say one half to 3 years) are easier to find in Europe and US.
I'm staying in Australia for a little time yet, but I'm keeping myself mathematically busy in the meantime, so my options remain open. (And thanks for the compliment. Hanging around here makes me feel small, what with Urs blasting away on oo-stuff, and Todd and Mike and Toby and yourself and ...)
You should look at topological data analysis (a la Carlsson et al)
I really am interested in TDA, as we have some largish data sets (the database of 1.3 million students doing VET nation-wide for instance, or longitudinal survey work with 5000+ variables) and I'm sure that something mathematically interesting can be done in this field. I was also toying with using the Leinster measure stuff, and rejigging the biodiversity work for my purposes, but not just yet.
That sounds like some interesting projects that might get funded!!!! Other interesting projects are less likely. The Leinster measure idea is one that will I am sure go places in this area. Some of the stuff I wanted to do a few years ago needed that sort of input into the categorical base and it was not available at the time. My problem is that of bridging the gap between the topological data and interpretations that mean something to the user!
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