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Xiao-Gang Wen has started an entry symmetry protected trivial order.
He mentions ’group super-cohomology theory’ as describing fermionic SPT orders. Given our super-slick account of group cohomology, do we just change the ambient ∞-topos to Super ∞ Grpd?
Thanks for highlighting, I would have missed it otherwise.
Yes, if this means (as it seems it does) group cohomology of super-Lie groups, then, yes, this is just mapping spaces in Super∞Grpd.
Right now we are talking about just such super Lie group cohomology at our Super Gerbes meeting. And that’s why right now I have to run and quit reading here. But I’ll try to get back to this later this evening. Thanks again for the heads up.
Started a page for Xiao-Gang Wen, who is now at the Perimeter Institute. The description there mentions ’condensed matter’ theory. We could do with an entry on that. Someone at Princeton gives it a go here. So solid-state physics is now seen as a branch of condensed matter physics.
EDIT: Oh, that’s just taken from wikipedia Condensed matter physics.
We have had a stub solid state physics for some time. I have added more redirects.
Thanks for the information. I would expect that also your definition of cohomology with super-geometric coefficients is still given by maps in the higher supergeometric topos.
Could you point me to the precise page of an article where the group super-cohomology in your sense is defined? Thanks!
In this paper, we introduce a (special) group super-cohomology theory
See Appendix C on p. 35.
I have finally begun to cross-linke symmetry protected topological order with higher dimensional WZW model, due to the article
which argues that the bosonic SPT phases are described just by such higher WZW models.
This needs to be expanded on.
also I am polishing up some of the old previous material here (in large part by X.-G. Wen himself), such as properly bringing out this reference item:
added the reference for the “first” (and only) example that the entry has been mentioning:
I have trouble spotting the argument (or proof, if that’s the right word) for the claim about the classification of SPTs “by group cohomology” – it does not seem to be in the two articles that are usually cited for this claim.
Now I see that an argument is spelled out in Sec. V of:
But this uses a peculiar concrete lattice model and, it seems to me, some more assumptions.
In any case, I have added this pointer now.
I have adjusted the content of the section “Classification” a little (here) and then I have added the following cautionary quote from a more recent article (BBCW 19):
Although a remarkable amount of progress has been made on these deeply interrelated topics, a completely general understanding is lacking, and many questions remain. For example, although there are many partial results, the current understanding of fractionalization of quantum numbers, along with the classification and characterization of SETs is incomplete.
also added (still here) from Wang & Senthil 14, p. 1
this classification is now known not to be complete
I have added in the section on Classification of internal-SPT phases (here) some indication of the basic proposal due to
added pointer to
and took from it a further quote (now here) on how the classification of SPTs remains an open problem.
added a table (here) showing organization and examples of types of symmetries to which the discussion applies (external spatial, external CT, internal/on-site)
will add this also to related entries, such as at internal symmetry
I am wondering now about the followint CMT- Question:
What’s a plausible way to realize/find (approximate) cyclic-group (ℤ/n) on-site symmetry protection in actual crystals/materials?
More specifically:
What’s a plausible way to realize in actual materials a cyclic group on-site symmetry protection where ℤ/n⊂SU(2)≃Spin(3) is a maximal subgroup of the on-site electron spin-rotation which remains unbroken?
Is this at all something one expects to ever see in the laboratory?
And if the answer should be “Yes” then how about the other finite subgroups of SU(2)?
Could there be an ADE-classification of SPT mechanisms in realistic materials where the protecting symmetry group is a finte subgroup of on-site spin rotation of electrons?
I have now forwarded this question to Physics.SE: here
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to
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