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Added to Maslov index and to Lagrangian Grassmannian the following quick cohomological definition of the Maslov index:
The first ordinary cohomology of the stable Lagrangian Grassmannian with integer coefficients is isomorphic to the integers
H1(LGrass,ℤ)≃ℤ.The generator of this cohomology group is called the universal Maslov index
u∈H1(LGrass,ℤ).Given a Lagrangian submanifold Y↪X of a symplectic manifold (X,ω), its tangent bundle is classified by a function
i:Y→LGrass.The _Maslov index of Y is the universal Maslov index pulled back along this map
i*u∈H1(Y,ℤ).added pointer to:
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