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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013

    In the talk I mentioned I’m giving in a couple of weeks, I’m going to touch on the homotopy quotient idea of a configuration space. Inevitably talk will turn to the metaphysics of it all. So what to say?

    We insist on the configuration space for general relativity on a spacetime Σ\Sigma being

    [Σ,Fields]//Diff(Σ), [\Sigma, Fields]//Diff(\Sigma),

    but they’ll want to know what this means for relationalism/substantivalism, etc. Basically this means should we think of spacetime independently existing as that manifold Σ\Sigma, to which we add fields, or does gauge equivalence mean that all gauge equivalent configurations should be taken to represent the ’same’ physical system. The latter doesn’t seem to allow us to think of that ’same’ system as Σ\Sigma plus some structure.

    Some, recognising the symmetries lost by taking equivalence classes, but wanting uniqueness of something to stand for a component, are aiming for the skeleton of the configuration groupoid. Presumably that shouldn’t help from a HoTT point of view. Keeping with the action groupoid, why not say a point within it really is just a manifold with structure?

    I’m sure there are more subtle positions where we don’t take the configuration space so literally as representing sets of worlds, classes of sets of worlds or whatever, but rather think of models as more like maps picking up structural features.

    Do people have views on how to think of applied HoTT? In the nCafe discussion, we briefly touched on it in the simple case of matching apples and oranges. Here I seem to want to say: to the extent that the individual items of fruit obey the requirements of terms of a 0Type (if identity, only contractible identity), then I can count, match, etc., as normal arithmetic suggests.

    In the case of GTR, it seems harder to say something similar: to the extent that possible universes on a manifold, form this kind of smooth1Type, …

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013

    Thanks, that’s good. I wish I had more leisure for this right now. But as things stand, I can only devote a few seconds to this every now and then. Please bear with me.

    Before I say anything, let me mention that Jack Morava discussed just this example in his talk at the Barcelona CONFERENCE ON TYPE THEORY, HOMOTOPY THEORY AND UNIVALENT FOUNDATIONS a few weeks back.

    See his second set of slides linked to there (pdf), p. 14.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013

    Next, I think this here is a good way to think about the key point at general covariance – Formalization in homotopy type theory:

    I should add more comments to that entry to make it clearer, but the key point there really is this:

    in a non-generally covariant field theory given a (spacetime-)manifold Σ\Sigma and a moduli space of fields Fields\mathbf{Fields}, the space of fields on Σ\Sigma is simply the mapping space [Σ,Fields][\Sigma, \mathbf{Fields}].

    But now take the traditional hole argument “paradox” and take it serious (or whatever to call that), as follows:

    if any point

    x:*Σ x \colon \ast \to \Sigma

    is supposed to be equivalent to any other point

    y:*Σ y \colon \ast \to \Sigma

    as soon as there is a diffeomorphism ϕ:ΣΣ\phi : \Sigma \to \Sigma that takes xx to ϕ(x)=y\phi(x) = y, then this just means that the “moduli space for points in spacetime” is not Σ\Sigma itself, but is the homotopy quotient Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma / / Diff(\Sigma).

    So until now I am saying: it should be plausible from just the informal basics of general relativity that it’s Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma / / Diff(\Sigma) which is the domain for the field of gravity.

    And once we accept this, now happens what when I first realized it seemed like a miracle (even though by now I find it “obvious”, that’s how it goes…), namely that homotopy type theory now automatically knows about what it means to have generally covariant fields.

    Namely the fact is that in homotopy type theory we have the equivalence

    [Σ//Diff(Σ),Fields][Σ,Fields]//Diff(Σ). [\Sigma//Diff(\Sigma), \; \mathbf{Fields}] \simeq [\Sigma, \; \mathbf{Fields}]//Diff(\Sigma) \,.

    In words: if spacetime is such that two points (or generally any two subsets) which are related by a diffeomorphism are to be regarded as equivalent, then it follows that the configuration space of fields on spacetime is “generally covariant” in that any two configurations which are related by a diffeo are actually equivalent.

    (In writing the above equivalence I am suppressing some context, to make the point transparent: on the left the internal hom is taken in the context where everything in sight is equipped with Diff(Σ)Diff(\Sigma)-action, on the right the mapping space is taken in the ambient context ).

    I’d think this is a nice little fact (a theorem/proposition/lemma/observation/remark, depending on where you come from ;-) with a nice immediate informal interpretation and good reflection on an issue that was historically of great importance.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013

    While I had absolutely no time for it, I did now add a paragraph along the above lines to a new subsection general covariance – Formalization in HoTT – Informal introduction.

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013

    Oh, I had jotted down on a page 90 minutes ago a comparison of [A,B]//Sym(A)[A, B]//Sym(A) and [A//Sym(A),B][A//Sym(A), B] for two sets AA and BB, and managed to convince myself they weren’t the same. Silly me!

    Thanks for this. I’ll try to digest it.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    Warning, as I tried to highlight, it’s important to note that I am talking about [A//Sym(A),B] BSym(A)[A//Sym(A), B]_{B Sym(A)}, the internal hom formed in the category of types with Sym(A)Sym(A)-action.

    You probably computed the homs out of the action groupoids as such. Then it does not work.

    What I am using here is the following fact, discussed in some detail at infinity-action:

    an action of som GG on some VV is equivalently encoded in the bundle

    V V//G BG=*//G. \array{ V &\to& V//G \\ && \downarrow \\ && \mathbf{B}G = \ast //G } \,.

    In particular the slice \infty-topos over BG\mathbf{B}G is equivalent to the category of GG actions

    GAct(H)H /BG. G Act(\mathbf{H}) \simeq \mathbf{H}_{/\mathbf{B}G} \,.

    Or in type-theoretic words: a GG action on VV is the same as a BG\mathbf{B}G-dependent type whose context extension to the global context is VV.

    Now the key fact is this here:

    if (V 1,ρ 1)(V_1, \rho_1) and (V 2,ρ 2)(V_2, \rho_2) are two GG-actions, then the internal hom in the slice /dependent over BG\mathbf{B}G is

    1. the type of all maps [V 1,V 2][V_1, V_2]

    2. regarded as equipped with the GG-action given by conjugation, hence the action where gGg \in G acts on a function f:V 1V 2f : V_1 \to V_2 by fgfg 1f \mapsto g \circ f \circ g^{-1}.

    So when I write

    [Σ//Diff(Σ),Fields] [\Sigma // Diff(\Sigma), Fields]

    this internal hom is that of the slice H /BDiff(Σ)\mathbf{H}_{/\mathbf{B}Diff(\Sigma)} where Σ\Sigma itself appears as the dependent type

    Σ//Diff(Σ) BDiff(Σ) \array{ \Sigma // Diff(\Sigma) \\ \downarrow \\ \mathbf{B}Diff(\Sigma) }

    exhibiting the canonical action of Diff(Σ)Diff(\Sigma), while Fields is regarded as equipped with the trivial Σ\Sigma-action, hence the dependent type

    Fields×BΣ p 2 BDiff(Σ). \array{ Fields \times \mathbf{B}\Sigma \\ \downarrow^{\mathrlap{p}_2} \\ \mathbf{B}Diff(\Sigma) } \,.

    Then by the above conjugation-rule, we get the relation as claimed.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    Aha, good!

    So now to the audience discussion:

    Q: So what is spacetime?

    A: It’s the groupoid Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma // Diff(\Sigma).

    Q: Remind me what Σ\Sigma is meant to be. I thought you said it was spacetime. You began with it, then decided it wasn’t quite right.

    A: Well, Σ\Sigma is a homotopy fiber of the bundle Σ//Diff(Σ)BDiff(Σ)\Sigma//Diff(\Sigma) \to \mathbf{B}Diff(\Sigma).

    Q: So? What does this mean about my world? I click my fingers now. This is an event at a point in what?

    A: ???

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    In other words, how to represent the idea of working in a context such as BAut(Σ)\mathbf{B}\mathbf{Aut}(\Sigma) in ordinary language:

    Fact. In terms of homotopy type theory, configuration spaces of a generally covariant theory over Σ\Sigma are precisely the ordinary configuration spaces of fields, but formed in the context BAut(Σ)\mathbf{B}\mathbf{Aut}(\Sigma):

    Conf= defΣ:BAut(Σ)(ΣField):Type. \mathbf{Conf} =_{def} \;\;\;\;\;\; \Sigma : \mathbf{B}\mathbf{Aut}(\Sigma) \vdash (\Sigma \to \mathbf{Field}) : Type \,.

    Or should we say that ordinary language isn’t designed for this? We could say that the whole metaphysical debate hangs on a suitable interpretation of this situation.

    I guess we should be able to see the same thing in simpler situations. Let’s take a set XX. Then [X,2][X, 2] are subsets of XX. [X,2]/Sym(X)[X, 2]/Sym(X) are equivalence classes of subset partioned by cardinality.

    What is it to think of [X,2]//Sym(X)[X, 2] // Sym(X) as

    X:BSym(X)X2:Type? X: \mathbf{B} Sym(X) \vdash X \to 2: Type ?

    On this theme, I guess with [X n,2]//Sym(X)[X^n, 2] // Sym(X) we’re looking at Logic as Invariant Theory.

    Sometimes it seems I never got far away from higher Klein geometry.

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    I certainly think that in the end ordinary language is less designed for this than, well, homotopy type theory is. But still it will be good for your audience and also for ourselves to see how close we can get in ordinary language to capture this.

    Your example of subsets is a good one, as it indeed captures all of the phenomenon under discussion in a possibly simpler or at least simpler-looking situation.

    But yes, if asked in this context I would reply that, yes, in a generally covariant context Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma // Diff(\Sigma) “is spacetime” for larger values of “is” than Σ\Sigma.

    And I think this can be well motivated with the probe-picture of stacks/of physics.

    It should be plausible to your audience that the definition of physical entities such as spacetimes is “operational” in a sense. Namely what spacetime is we detect by probing it, say by putting point (particles) into it. Now we see that there are different such ways which however are supposed to be equivalent by general covariance. So spacetime must be such that it has probes given by maps into a space which are equivalent if related by a diffeomorphisms of this space. But that is what characterizes Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma // Diff(\Sigma).

    Your example of finite sets with symmetric group actions is good to realize that there are many examples of this phenomenon in pure mathematics. For instance in the definition of symmetric spectrum and symmetric operad everything is labeled by finite sets equipped with their automorphism action, and it is for a very similar reason as in general covariance, it models the situation that things are labeled by finite sets in a way that is “generally covariant” with respect to their automorphisms.

    Have to run now. More later.

    • CommentRowNumber10.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013

    Some more things I can imagine being asked:

    It seems that you first start with Σ\Sigma, so that you then can form BAut(Σ)\mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma), and then form the action groupoid. How did you originally come up with the Σ\Sigma?

    Is this the wrong way around? Perhaps the right kind of probing gives me a groupoid, and from that I recognise it as a special kind of action groupoid for a manifold. Did it need to be like that? There are plenty of smooth groupoids not of that form. Or is that the probing gives rise to a sheaf on CartSpCartSp, so there’s my manifold.

    What does it mean to probe with a particle anyway? And why should I count two probings as equivalent?

    How would a comparable process work in the simple finite set case? I probe by withdrawing samples of different sizes. Two samples of the same size are equivalent. I must be dealing with a set of indistinguishable objects, and the moduli space is X//Sym(X)X//Sym(X) for XX of cardinality equal to that of the largest successful probe.

    But here, because I imagine my finite objects in space, I’m inclined to think of them as distinguishable by their position. I think they’re really just a set, but given I can’t tell them apart, I work with X//Sym(X)X//Sym(X).

    General relativity seems to add that extra spice that when finding critical points of the Hilbert-Einstein action, one is varying over worlds that can’t exist. At least the catenary that the chain ends up in was one of a collection of possible curves.

    • CommentRowNumber11.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013

    Your example of finite sets with symmetric group actions is good to realize that there are many examples of this phenomenon in pure mathematics.

    When maths is properly written out in HoTT, are we going to see a lot of use of symmetry contexts? You’d think chunks of representation theory would happen like that.

    With types as propositions, it seemed to be about judging that something is the case on the basis that something else is assumed. Having BG\mathbf{B} G as my context, seems different. Maybe I could say, “Assuming GG-equivariance,…”

    But perhaps this is just another case of Hegel’s subjective/objective logic distinction. Things can equally be interpreted metaphysically or in terms of judgements.

    • CommentRowNumber12.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    It seems that you first start with Σ\Sigma, so that you then can form BAut(Σ)\mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma), and then form the action groupoid. How did you originally come up with the Σ\Sigma?

    Right, so I like to think about it like this:

    We start with choosing Σ\Sigma and so we say

    Σ:Type \vdash \; \Sigma \colon Type

    In the \infty-topos semantics this means a morphism

    *ΣObj \ast \stackrel{\vdash \Sigma}{\longrightarrow} Obj

    into the small object classified object. Given this, we can ask for its 1-image factorization

    Σ:*im 1(Σ)Obj \vdash \Sigma \;\colon\; \ast \longrightarrow im_1(\vdash \Sigma) \hookrightarrow Obj

    One finds that this 1-image is precisely im 1(Σ)*//Aut(Σ)*//Diff(Σ)BAut(Σ)im_1(\vdash \Sigma) \simeq \ast//\mathbf{Aut}(\Sigma) \simeq \ast // Diff(\Sigma) \simeq \mathbf{B}\mathbf{Aut}(\Sigma).

    And then Σ\Sigma with its action by Diff(Σ)Diff(\Sigma) is the dependent type classified by the 1-image injection map, in that we have a pasting diagram of homotopy pullbacks of this form

    Σ Σ//Diff(Σ) Obj^ (pb) (pb) * Σ BDiff(Σ) Obj. \array{ \Sigma &\longrightarrow& \Sigma//Diff(\Sigma) &\longrightarrow& \widehat{Obj} \\ \downarrow &{}^{(pb)}& \downarrow &{}^{(pb)}& \downarrow \\ \ast &\stackrel{\vdash \Sigma}{\longrightarrow}& \mathbf{B}Diff(\Sigma) &\hookrightarrow& Obj } \,.

    I guess this should make a good story when translated to ordinary language. Maybe like this:

    “In the universe of all possible spacetimes, choose the sub-universe of the spacetime Σ\Sigma. In this context, Σ\Sigma is Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma//Diff(\Sigma).”

    • CommentRowNumber13.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013

    When maths is properly written out in HoTT, are we going to see a lot of use of symmetry contexts? You’d think chunks of representation theory would happen like that.

    Yes! I kept and keep trying to advertize this cool fact, in the hope that more people would start investigating it further:

    a basic but curious fact is that the dependent type theory aspect of HoTT means essentially that homotopy type theory in non-0-truncated contexts is equivariant homotopy theory/higher representation theory.

    And in some sense the “generic” context is not 0-truncated in HoTT, so HoTT is “generically” about equivariant homotopy theory/higher representation theory.

    This will eventually become more pronounced in publications, I am sure.

    • CommentRowNumber14.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013

    There’s that weird feeling of being caught up in a mystical creation myth again.

    Out of \empty there arises *\ast, then a universe. A choice from this gives us spacetime, from where we find its sub-universe. A configuration space is the internal hom from the spacetime to an object Fields\mathbf{Fields} in the context of the sub-universe.

    Continuing the mystical path, we might then think the choice of any one spacetime to be arbitrary. All must exist in some sense. As must all types of object Fields\mathbf{Fields}.

    Do God’s choices just range over any two types Σ\Sigma and Fields\mathbf{Fields}? He just happens to have chosen Σ\Sigma for us at a certain scale to look like a pseudo-Riemannian smooth 0 type.

    My audience will truly think I’ve gone mad.

    • CommentRowNumber15.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    • (edited Nov 14th 2013)

    Do God’s choices just range over any two types Σ\Sigma and Fields\mathbf{Fields}?

    To define a field theory, one needs roughly one more ingredient: the Lagrangian/action functional, which is a promotion of Fields\mathbf{Fields} to the context of the form BGL 1(E)\mathbf{B}GL_1(E), for EE an E E_\infty-ring.

    (There will be improvements on this statement in the context of tangent cohesion. When I find a calm moment, I should work that out more. )

    But notice that for the field of gravity there is actually another context to be taken into account. Namely the moduli stack Fields=Gravity n=Met n\mathbf{Fields} = Gravity_n = Met_n of pseudo-Riemannian metrics in nn dimensions is itself a dependent type, namely it is GL(n)//(O(n)×GL(n))BO(n)GL(n)//(O(n)\times GL(n)) \simeq \mathbf{B}O(n) regarded as a BGL(n)\mathbf{B}GL(n)-dependent type whose \infty-categorical semantics is

    GL(n)//O(n) BO(n) BGL(n). \array{ GL(n)//O(n) &\longrightarrow& \mathbf{B}O(n) \\ && \downarrow \\ && \mathbf{B}GL(n) } \,.

    And also the spacetime manifold Σ\Sigma is, even before we put it into the general covariant conext over BDiff(Σ)\mathbf{B} Diff(\Sigma), to be regarded as dependent on the type BGL(n)\mathbf{B}GL(n) via the map τ X\tau_X that modulates its tangent frame bundle

    Frames(Σ) Σ τ Σ BGL(n). \array{ Frames(\Sigma) &\longrightarrow& \Sigma \\ && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\tau_\Sigma}} \\ && \mathbf{B}GL(n) } \,.

    This way a function

    BGL(n)ϕ:ΣFields \mathbf{B}GL(n) \;\vdash\; \phi \;\colon \; \Sigma \longrightarrow \mathbf{Fields}

    is equivalently a choice of reduction of the structure group of the frame bundle to an orthogonal bundle, and that is equivalently a field of gravity on Σ\Sigma.

    (I think I discuss this somewhere at general covariance.)

    In general, those field theories which appear with the least “effort” in cohesive homtopy type theory are higher Chern-Simons-type field theories. A bunch of others is then induced from these by choosing boundary and “defect” structures of these “bulk” higher Chern-Simons theories. There is a hierachy of “HoTT-ly fundamental field theories” and “less HoTT-ly fundamental field theories” appearing as their boundaries and defects, which involves choosing ever more data.

    Now Einstein-gravity or similar is not “of higher Chern-Simons type”. But for instance closed string field theory is.

    • CommentRowNumber16.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013

    I guess after

    Σ:BAut(Σ)Σ:Type \Sigma : \mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma) \vdash \Sigma: Type

    we get things like

    Σ:BAut(Σ)IsSet(Σ):Type. \Sigma : \mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma) \vdash IsSet(\Sigma): Type.

    Is that to be thought of as, although Σ\Sigma in that context is the groupoid Σ//BAut(Σ)\Sigma // \mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma), we can still wonder if the fibre above *//BAut(Σ)\ast // \mathbf{B} Aut(\Sigma) is a set?

    • CommentRowNumber17.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013

    Going back to the equivalence

    [A//Sym(A),B] BSym(A)=[A//Sym(A),B][A//Sym(A), B]_{B Sym(A)} = [A//Sym(A), B]

    it may be worth a reminder that in HoTT, this is just the induction principle for dependent sums. We have a type XX (here BSym(A)B Sym(A)), a type family Y:XTypeY:X\to Type (here AA with its Sym(A)Sym(A)-action), and a type ZZ (here BB), and we can consider the dependent sum x:XY(x)\sum_{x:X} Y(x) (here A//Sym(A)A//Sym(A)). The induction principle of this dependent sum says that to give a function

    ( x:XY(x))Z\Big(\sum_{x:X} Y(x)\Big) \to Z

    is equivalent to give a dependent function

    x:X(Y(x)Z). \prod_{x:X} (Y(x) \to Z).

    or equivalently a map Y(x)ZY(x)\to Z in context x:Xx:X. A more general version of this equivalence, where ZZ can depend on XX and YY as well, is (2.15.9) in the HoTT Book. And the special case where YY is independent of XX is just the exponential law for the cartesian closed category of types:

    ((X×Y)Z)=(X(YZ)) ((X\times Y) \to Z) = (X\to (Y\to Z))
    • CommentRowNumber18.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2013

    Perhaps a way to clarify how to think of Σ//Diff(Σ)\Sigma//Diff(\Sigma) is to think first of other action groupoids and orbifolds. Here’s how I might try to explain this to someone not familiar with it.

    To begin with, we might have just a set of points.

    Now perhaps we know that some of these points are actually to be regarded as the same as some other of these points. Perhaps our set of points is 2\mathbb{R}^2, a 2-dimensional space, but we happen to know that for whatever reason God has decided that space should be symmetric under a 180 180^\circ rotation about the origin. Then we can think instead of the quotient of our set of points by an equivalence relation, but it’s better to perform a homotopy quotient. Here we have a group GG, namely the 2-element group /2\mathbb{Z}/2, acting on our set of points, and for each point xx and gGg\in G, we add an isomorphism from xx to gxg\cdot x labeled by gg. If the action is free, we end up with something equivalent to a set again, but in general we have points (like the origin) that end up with isotropy (they are now the same as themselves in nontrivial ways).

    Why is it important to make the homotopy quotient rather than the ordinary one? Well, consider a different case, when the group GG is the infinite cyclic group, with the generator acting on 2\mathbb{R}^2 by translation 1 unit to the right. This is a free action, so the homotopy quotient is just the ordinary quotient, namely an infinite cylindrical world. This quotient world has nontrivial π 1\pi_1: if we start at a point and go around the cylinder, our path is not contractible. Up in the original world, we can see this noncontractibility by noting that our path “around the cylinder” lifts to a path connecting two different points, so of course it can’t be contracted back to a single point while leaving the endpoints fixed.

    In the case of the /2\mathbb{Z}/2 action by 180 180^\circ rotation, the quotient is a “cone”, which looks as though it would have trivial π 1\pi_1, if we could “pull strings over the cone point”. But if we go around the cone once in this quotient world, then in the original world, the lifted path again connects two different points, and hence should not be able to be contracted over the cone point. In order to remember this information in the quotient, we equip the cone point with an isotropy group. The same reasoning suggests that if we go around the cone twice, we should be able to contract that loop back over the cone point; thus we need to record the specific isotropy group /2\mathbb{Z}/2 in order to “quantify the pointiness” of the cone.

    In conclusion, if God has decided that the world should be covariant under a fixed group GG, She then has to choose a spacetime that is acted on by GG. The homotopy quotient by this action is then the “moduli space of points”, in which the GG-action has been taken into account by identifying points that should be the same.

    The prescription of GR is similar, but a bit different: rather than fixing the group of covariance at the outset, we demand instead that the theory be covariant under all automorphisms of spacetime. In other words, God chooses the spacetime manifold Σ\Sigma first, and then the group GG is determined as Diff(Σ)Diff(\Sigma). But after that, the construction is the same.

    • CommentRowNumber19.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    Hm, I don’t quite follow #17 right now. But notation (my notation, possibly) may be misleading for what we want to express here.

    The equivalence in categorical semantics should be

    [A//G,Z] BG[A,Z]//G [A//G, Z]_{\mathbf{B} G} \simeq [A,Z]//G

    where on the left we have the total space of the internal hom in the slice and on the right we have the homotopy quotient of GG acting on the internal hom of the fibers in the ambient context.

    Let me see about the type theory syntax for this…, if we write

    p:BG(A//G)(p):Type p \colon \mathbf{B}G \; \vdash \; (A//G)(p) \colon Type

    for the action of GG on AA as a dependent type, then the internal hom [A//G,Z] BG[A//G, Z]_{\mathbf{B}G} in that context is the semantics for

    p:BG((A//G)(p)Z):Type p \colon \mathbf{B}G \vdash ((A//G)(p) \to Z) \colon Type

    and so the left hand side should be

    (p:BG((A//G)(p)Z)):Type \vdash \; \left(\underset{p \colon\mathbf{B}G}{\sum} \left(\left(A//G\right)\left(p\right) \to Z\right) \right) \colon Type

    (with dependent sum as opposed to dependent product. )

    Now I am not sure how to correctly type-set (pun) the right hand side. I want to say that A=(A//G)(p)A = (A//G)(p). If I do that indeed I end up with the same line as the previous one for the syntax also of the right hand side.

    • CommentRowNumber20.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    Just to be clear, the equivalence, that I, at least, have in mind is the one which is the topic of what is currently prop. 3 and remark 5 here at: infinity-action – Conjugation action

    • CommentRowNumber21.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013

    Oh… maybe you are saying something even more trivial than I thought you were saying. (-: Are you just saying that the equivalence between spaces over BGB G and spaces with a GG-action preserves internal-homs, and that under this equivalence the “total space” functor corresponds to the “homotopy quotient” functor?

    • CommentRowNumber22.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013

    The statement I am talking about is that the internal hom of G-actions/spaces over BG\mathbf{B}G sends two actions to the conjugation action on the space of all maps between the types being acted on.

    • CommentRowNumber23.
    • CommentAuthorspitters
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    Mike’s explanation of adding a group action of Z/2Z is reminiscent of Wraith’s work on Galois theory in a topos. In the simple case of algebraic construction of the complex numbers, it is irrelevant whether we extend our field with either i or -i, so we better keep the action in mind and work in a new topos. Galois theory in a topos Wraith’s work is closely connected Grothendieck’s Galois theory.

    • CommentRowNumber24.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    @Urs, I don’t think any knowledge about the conjugation action is needed for the statement as I currently understand it. On the right hand side, you have the internal hom of two spaces with GG-action (whatever that may be) followed by the homotopy quotient. On the left hand side, you have the internal hom of the corresponding two spaces over BGB G (whatever that may be) followed by the total space. So it’s enough to know that whatever the internal homs are, they match up on either side, as do the quotient and total space functors.

    • CommentRowNumber25.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    There might be different things under discussion. David started out referring to the conjugation action and I was reacting to that:

    the nice fact about the conceptualization of “general covariance” is that the moduli stack of generally covariant fields [Σ,Fields]//Diff(Σ)[\Sigma, \mathbf{Fields}]//Diff(\Sigma) is equivalently just the mapping space from Σ\Sigma to Fields\mathbf{Fields} in the context of GG-actions.

    I agree that this is trivial when viewed from the right angle (as it goes in maths). But this conjugation-action statement is specifically what appears in the discussion of general covariance.

    Other statements might be more interesting in themselves, of course.

    • CommentRowNumber26.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013

    Ah, okay, I see — it’s also important to identify the right hand side with the thing you expect.

    • CommentRowNumber27.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    • (edited Nov 17th 2013)

    Okay, good. Now let’s talk about this specific statement in the type theory. It should become a complete triviality there, but maybe one that is usefully made explicit.

    Above I tried it like this: the type theoretic expression

    (A//G)(p)Z (A//G)(p) \to Z

    is manifestly two things at the same time:

    1. when read as a function type in context p:BGp \colon \mathbf{B} G it is the internal hom of GG-actions;

    2. when read with p:BGp \colon \mathbf{B} G understood as the canonical term that witnesses the pointed connectedness of BG\mathbf{B}G, then it is rather AZA \to Z and the conjugation action on that is “clear”.

    Now you will be able to refine this attempt of mine to something more precise and more useful. Could you give it a try?

    • CommentRowNumber28.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2013

    It’s not clear to me that the statement we’re talking about can actually be made in the type theory, since we so far lack a formalization of \infty-actions other than “spaces over BG\mathbf{B}G” (due to the problem of infinite objects). We can say something partial, though, which is that the transport action of a loop in BG\mathbf{B}G (i.e. an element of GG) on a function type (formed in context p:BGp:\mathbf{B} G) is given by conjugation. This is essentially (2.9.4) in the book.

    • CommentRowNumber29.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2013
    • (edited Nov 18th 2013)

    I was hoping that type theory would allow a mode of expression which could help philosophers come to terms with how they must adjust their notion of sameness, but I begin to wonder whether it isn’t easier just to speak externally, as in #18. I mean it would be great if we could have some simple constructions in the context BG\mathbf{B} G, and then say

    GG-equivariantly, [something simple],

    where [something simple] would involve traditional language of entities with properties in relation to each other.

    We spoke above about illustrating what was happening with simple permutation groups on finite sets. Say I have a set, BB, of 5 indiscernible balls in a box, each of which can be coloured in 3 ways. I might take the state space to be [B,3][B, 3], of cardinality 243. But then I think that I can’t tell the difference between any two versions of 2 reds, 2 greens and a blue, so I decide to chop down to [B,3]/Sym(B)[B, 3]/Sym(B), a set of cardinality 21 (I think).

    We know the problems with this, so we change to [B,3]//Sym(B)[B, 3]//Sym(B), a groupoid of cardinality 243/120. (By the way, is groupoid cardinality definable within HoTT?)

    OK, now I have represented the fact that any colouring of 2 reds, 2 greens and a blue are equivalent, but that still I’d notice if a green and a red were swapped.

    Now could I get around the problem of someone worried about the apparent 5-ness of the balls, with the moduli of balls being B//Sym(B)B//Sym(B) of cardinality 1/24, by being able to say

    Sym(B)-equivariantly, there are 5 balls?

    • CommentRowNumber30.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2013

    By the way, is groupoid cardinality definable within HoTT?

    The cardinality of a 1-type is definable, since it’s just defined in terms of the cardinality of the sets π 1\pi_1 and π 0\pi_0. Same for nn-types for any finite nn.

    Sym(B)-equivariantly, there are 5 balls?

    Yes, I think that’s true. If we interpret the statement “there are five balls” as “|X|=5{|X|}=5”, with cardinality |||-| being defined as in chapter 10 of the book, then since cardinalities are the elements of Set 0\Vert Set\Vert_0, the statement |X|=5{|X|}=5 is equivalent to XN 5\Vert X \simeq N_5\Vert, where N 5N_5 is the canonical 5-element set. Since this is a mere proposition, its truth is reflected by surjections of contexts. And the inclusion of the point *BG\ast \to B G is a surjection, while when we regard XX as acted on by Aut(X)Aut(X), its fiber over the point of BAut(X)B Aut(X) is the original set XX itself.