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Somebody wrote quite the stub at Beck-Chevalley_Condition; I fixed the name but didn't mess with it otherwise. It seems to have appeared (properly named) on Mike's web too, all by the AnonymousCoward.
I unstubified it a bit.
I tried to add a table of contents, in particular organizing the examples. But now I am not sure if the section now titled "Bifribrations" is still in the intended context. Could somebody please check!?
This is stylistic, but I don't like having lots of tiny sections. If we only have one sentence to say about a bunch of examples, I'd rather have them in a bullet list.
My taste agrees with Mike's. The extensive sectioning is very good for long articles while more confusing for short ones, so it shoudl be measure with respect to the size of current paragraphs and the page as a whole.
Okay, I see. I thought it would be good to advertize at the beginning of the article in the form of the toc all the topics that a reader might want to see (such as: ah, xyz is an example of this concept).
This is also a good point. Make people eager to add new material by anticipating it :)
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