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added the explicit definition at localization of a commutative ring
sorry, I should have put this into localization of a ring. Done so now and added the definition by quotienting an ideal to localization of a commutative ring.
There is already entry commutative localization.
Kevin Buzzard takes the issue of the identity between R[1/f][1/g] and R[1/fg] as a problem for type theory.
Say I wanted to show that for a ring, R, a set of its elements, S, and a partition of S into S1 and S2, that R[S]−1 and (R[S1]−1)[S2]−1 are ’canonically’ identical, is this really a problem for HoTT?
I think there is only one way to find out, namely to try it :-), and I hope to do it over the next couple of days (in Cubical Agda).
Good! Let us know how you get on.
It seems Voevodsky worked on localization:
To test the applicability of Univalent Foundations to actual formalization of mathematics I wrote a library of formalized mathematics for Coq which developed abstract algebra up to the construction of localization of commutative rings.
Gabriel-Zisman localization in formalized mathematics has been studied by Carlos Simpson.
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