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The definition of concrete category includes the condition that U:C→Set is representable, but then says that many authors do not include that condition. The characterization theorem in the article also excludes that condition.
I’m not all that convinced that the term should default to the notion that includes a representation U≅hom(c,−). In so much of the literature, for example in the work of Freyd and of Isbell and in the observation that the homotopy category is not concrete, this condition is not included. Also we have the result that if C is concretizable, then so is Cop, but this doesn’t work if we include representability.
I might propose that we reserve “concrete” for the weaker notion, and use “representably concrete” for the stronger notion. I think it would make for less awkwardness.
I agree.
Thanks, Mike.
I went ahead and made some changes (and additions and corrections) to concrete category, but please speak up if there are any objections.
Looks good to me, thanks!
It looks like the discussion at concrete category was wanting to point to this here, I have added pointer now:
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