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motivated by the blog discussion I added to rational homotopy theory a section Differential forms on topological spaces
I see that there was an entry by Tim Porter, that I had forgotten about: differential forms on simplices. I put a link to that in the context at rational homotopy theory now.
I also edited that entry a bit: the first paragraph said that this is to be the first entry in a sequence of three, but as far as I can see Tim has since not followed up on this. So I removed his announcement (saved it at the bottom of the entry, actually). Also, I see that the entry doesn't actually say anything about polynomial forms so far...
I am wondering about the following:
there is a Quillen adjunction that sends an oo-stack on the cat of manifolds to its deRham algebra.
Moreover, there is a theorem that says that the left Bousfield localization of
at all the cylinder projections
is Quillen equivalent to
Let be cofibrant replacement in this localized structure. Then we get the composite functor
Looking at what this does on objects, it seems it should be related to the Sullivan-forms functor . Has anyone thought about this or seen other people think about it?
I am a little confused about "diff forms on top spaces". The equivalence of cat of simplicial sets and of topological spaces is just as infty topoi, isn't it ? I mean the construction in Sullivan's word is eventually a construction in PL-world and for a topologists the world of say topological manifolds and the world of PL-manifolds is nontrivially different (and some people done a lot on documenting this difference) and this is not repaired by the infty machinery. What do you think ?
Another thing which could be of interest to discuss here is the business of D-modules. Namely the semialgebraic triangulations of semialgebraic sets play role in the theory of constructible sheaves and dualities in the theory of D-modules involving them. Regarding that this is also a non-smooth setup for generalizations of connections, there might be some common points in the theory. But here positive characteristics works also fine.
I expanded the section on Sullivan models.
Probably eventually this should be split off into a separate entry.
Ah, no!! I accidentally erased it all…
Phew. I got it back out of my browser’s cache. Luckily, that remembers all the content of the edit panes in the nLab edit pages.
Anyway, the new content that I put in is now at Sullivan model.
That’s Mike Schlessinger. (By typing [Deformations of Rational Homotopy Types](http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.1647), you get a clickable link: Deformations of Rational Homotopy Types, provided that you choose a format which supports Markdown. I usually use Markdown+Itex.)
I have edited a little bit at rational homotopy theory (that whole entry needs a serious polishing and completion at some point):
gave the rationalization adjunction in the Sullivan approach its own subsection, such as to make it easier to spot this key statement in the entry;
expanded just a little there, but this deserves to be expanded further;
started an Examples-section with the example of rational spheres.
And I have merged the section previously titled “Lie-theoretic models” into the Idea-section, for it just surveys the models that are then described in the following sections. Re-edited a little in the process.
Ah, I see that the example of rational n-spheres was also requested at Sullivan model and at rational topological space. Therefore I now gave it its own dedicated entry and linked to from there:
I would like to bring the entry rational homotopy theory into better shape. Today I have been expanding and streamlining the section on the Sullivan approach.
Added the reference FelixHalperin
Yves Félix and Steve Halperin, Rational homotopy theory via Sullivan models: a survey, arXiv:1708.05245
added pointer to Buijs-Murillo 12 (dg-models for non-connected rational spaces)
added full publication data for
added publication data for
added pointer to:
added these pointers on generalizing RHT to arbitrary fundamental groups:
Antonio Gómez-Tato, Stephen Halperin, Daniel Tanré, Rational Homotopy Theory for Non-Simply Connected Spaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 352, No. 4 (Apr., 2000), pp. 1493-1525 (33 pages) (jstor:118074)
Syunji Moriya, Rational homotopy theory and differential graded category, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 214, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 422-439 (doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.06.015)
Urtzi Buijs, Yves Félix, Aniceto Murillo, Daniel Tanré, Homotopy theory of complete Lie algebras and Lie models of simplicial sets, Journal of Topology (2018) 799-825 (arXiv:1601.05331, doi:10.1112/topo.12073)
added pointer to:
Thanks. Just a propos, let me highlight that this references is also already cited at Borel-equivariant rational homotopy theory.
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