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What’s the precise idea of where the two senses of spectrum meet, that the spectrum of the sphere spectrum has Morava-K theories as points (arXiv:1401.1044, p. 10)?
I have added the statement that in Spectra homotopy cartesian squares are equivalently homotopy cocartesian, with some remarks and pointers.
Also re-organized slightly and added cross-link with stable homotopy category.
Ah, now I see why this page was so empty: There is also stable (infinity,1)-category of spectra and the two should probably be merged.
Hm, it may be tedious to merge these entries in a satisfactory way. Maybe instead I’ll give the section on finite homotopy (co)limits of spectra its own stand-alone entry, for ease of !include
-ing it into relevant entries (such as these two, but also stable homotopy category etc.).
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