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created traced monoidal category with a bare minimum
I would have sworn that we already had an entry on that, but it seems we didn’t. If I somehow missed it , let me know and we need to fix things then.
added a brief paragraph on the relation to compact closed categories:
Given a traced monoidal category 𝒞, there is a free construction completion of it to a compact closed category Int(𝒞) (Joyal-Street-Verity 96):
the objects of Int(𝒞) are pairs (A+,A−) of objects of 𝒞, a morphism (A+,A−)→(B+,B−) in Int(𝒞) is given by a morphism of the form A+⊗B−⟶A−⊗B+ in 𝒞, and composition of two such morphisms (A+,A−)→(B+,B−) and (B+,B−)→(C+,C−) is given by tracing out B+ and B− in the evident way.
Copied the same paragraph over to compact closed category.
I added a reference to the characterization of traces in cartesian monoidal categories (by Hasegawa and Hyland), and then because this page was still missing a definition I pulled in the definition (for symmetric monoidal categories) from Hasegawa.
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