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I am adding some bits and pieces to geometric stability theory (which I am trying to learn more about these days).
Thanks, interesting.
As usual by now, I have added some more hyperlinks. Right in the first sentence I have added “the branch of model theory called…”. Okay?
In the Foundations-of-Mechanics workshop in Paris this week (here) there was also a talk meaning to review the idea by Zilber on how to apply model theory to physics (slides are here). We had discussed this once here before, maybe. I missed the talk, but looked at the slides, and once I had heard Zilbert himself speak about this. Nevertheless, I still don’t really feel like I understand well what the upshot here is.
(This is likely off-topic regarding Todd’s entry here. I was just being reminded of it.)
It would be nice if the entry had a comment on how the concepts discussed there do inform the problem of “stability”. (?)
Right in the first sentence I have added “the branch of model theory called…”. Okay?
Thanks; fine by me (actually Zoran wrote that sentence and got the article started generally).
Was waiting several hours for my last edit to be submitted, so I gave up once I saw your nForum announcements. I’ll see whether I get all of my edit back.
It would be nice if the entry had a comment on how the concepts discussed there do inform the problem of “stability”. (?)
Well, I hope to be getting by and by to things like ω-stable theories. I’m not sure how well the logician’s terminology will mesh with whatever you meant by problem of “stability”; generally the idea is to be able to classify certain well-behaved classes of structures by dimension-like quantities. (To be honest, I don’t really know why they use that word! But maybe I’ll find out soon. Maybe Zoran knows?)
Todd, I had just made trivial edits, so please simply roll them back and overwrite them.
I remember we ran into this before. Maybe when you next go to an edit session with saving-intervals longer than the nLab’s automatic locking functionality will wait, write at the top of the entry (or here on the nForum) a warning line “Please don’t touch, as this is currently being edited offline” or something like this.
Thanks, Urs. It’s okay; I think I got them all. And you’re right – I should have posted a warning. Thanks for your interest!
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