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am starting an entry smooth spectrum (in the sense of smooth infinity-groupoid). But nothing much there yet.
And are there parameterized smooth spectra forming the tangent category to Smooth∞Grpd, as parameterized spectra do to ∞Grpd?
Yes, that’s the story already discussed at tangent cohesion: the tangent topos of smooth ∞-groupoids is the “extension” of that by the smooth spectra. I just thought that eventually this should not be hidden in the general discussion at “tangent cohesion” but get its own entry here. I hope to be expanding that entry soon. Just need to get a bunch of other items out of the way right now…
added a Properties-section From chain complexes of smooth modules, so far containing the proposition asserting that presheaves of R≔C∞(−,ℝ)-modules are already (∞,1)-sheaves of spectra (without further ∞-stackification).
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