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I changed it for you.
This appears to be a "gotcha" with the way redirects work. You might want to change your link above to Fermat theory because if someone follows an external link to the lower case version, they can still find it.
@ Eric #3
That's the cache bug. I fixed this case.
I linked to Fermat theory from Lawvere theory.
Somebody should find the time to integrate what Mike keeps discussing into these entries: the entry on Lawvere theory should mention how its a special case of a generalized multicategory, etc.
I added some stuff to Fermat theory
added the reference to the original article by Dubuc-Kock, which the talk was based on that the first version of the entry was based on
added a section on Modules and derivations by using Thomas Nikolaus' blog summary
removed John's disclaimer that he doesn't know what the definition of modules and derivations in this context are and instead pointed to the new section.
also, I made explicit in the examples section on -rings the way one defines the
-ring of smooth functions on a genralized space.
A today’s arxiv article added to references at Fermat theory (it introduces super Fermat theory):
Thanks. One should mention Yetter’s work also
Something similar appears in def. 1.1, 1.2 of
For more on this see at synthetic differential supergeometry.
Thank you. Carchedi and Roytenberg do not seem to be aware of Yetter’s paper – it is not listed in their references.
They are aware:
[25] David N. Yetter. Models for synthetic supergeometry. Cahiers Topologie G´eom. Diff´erentielle Cat´eg., 29(2):87–108, 1988.
I edited some of the historical material to be more accurate. (Well, the inaccuracy was already corrected further down, but I made it just not appear in the first place.)
I also added some more details to the paragraph on Hadamard that maybe aren't really necessary (or aren't necessary here).
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