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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeApr 4th 2014
    • (edited Apr 4th 2014)

    started an entry cubic curve,

    For the moment I wanted to record (see the entry) a pointer to Akhil Mathew’s identification of that eight-fold cover of cub (hence of ell) which is analogous to the 2-fold cover of the “moduli stack of formal tori” B2 that ends up being the reason for the 2-action on KU.

    So here is the question that I am after: that cover is classified by a map ellB/8, hence we get a double cover of the moduli space of elliptic curves d:ellB/2.

    Accordingly there is a spectrum Qd*(𝒪top) equipped with a 2-action whose homotopy fixed points is tmf, I suppose: tmfQ2. (Hm, maybe I need to worry about the compactification…).

    I’d like to say that Q is to tmf as KU is to KO. This is either subject to some confusion (wich one?) or else is an old hat. In the second case: what would be a reference?